Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Last Day of this adventure

We awoke to a wonderful warm and sunny day,. a great change from the rain and rough seas of yesterday.

We have book a sights of Victoria tour. It was a fun tour with the bus driver hitting the highlights and our very able guide giving us a run down of the history of the area. A lot of it we had seen but we knew very little of the history. One fun part was a trip to TIM HORTENS  Did you know that there are 6685 Tim's in Canada and that they have expanded over the globe? She told of of the hockey players life and his enterprenorial adventures They she took a beverage order from each of us. making certain to explain what a double double was. The bus stopped and we piled into the restaurant to enjoy our beverage and 4 Tim Bits.

Soon we were back at the cruise termonal and we were given a little goodie bag of things you can in Canada. Our bag contained cheesies and smarties and a small maple syrup.

Such Fun.

I used my cell phone to call Shelia and let her know where we were. At the breakwater enjoying the murals.She was just across the parking area and so soon we were on our way. We were given an amazing tour of her favorite spots in the city and then we headed for her lovely home.  As I had feared she went to entirely too much trouble. She even had a Cape Breton tartan tea cup especially for me. We even used the tea timer I had brought for her.

She showed me the painting of a bird that she wants me to do a painting for. It is not large so she would like 2 smaller paintings to go with it. She has honoured me by asking if I would do that for her. I am delighted to give it a try. I already have thoughts on the matter.

All too soon it was time to head back to the ship. We quickly finished up the packing. put the suitcases in the hall . gathered our tip envelopes and headed for the dining room.

Much to my surprise Gary senior had a duck. There was not a tag so we do not know who hid it but he found it nead an elevator. Neither Ken nor I found a duck.

Lots of great desserts tonight as we said good bye to the staff and thanked them so much for their service. It is a difficult life one that I know I could not do and they are to be commended.

We said our good byes to our new friends .

We are to disembark at 9:15 am and Stewart and Ellenor will be waiting for us.

I have a bit of a rough throat and am feeling tired this evening. Last night. 

We hate to get off. cruises are never long enough, I wonder if we will feel the same on May 11 of 2023.

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