Thursday, June 20, 2019

Home Again

We made it home safe and sound.
As is usual disembarkation went very smoothly. Princess was right on time.
As a matter of fact I think they were about 5 minutes early.
We had a bit of a scare because our suitcases were not there.
They were still unloading them.
But we retrieved them as soon as they arrived.
We sailed through customs without a problem

We called Bob and Janet as soon as we reached the street.
Within minutes we were loaded and on our way home.
The traffic was light and we were in Abbotsford around eleven.

I did have a cold or I should say do have a cold.
It seems to be the price I have to say for cruising.
It is a good excuse to just lay around and adjust to life on land.

Next step is to unload suitcases.

So Until February First...or if there is a great sale.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Last Day

Tomorrow Bob and Janet are picking us up at the cruise terminal

Yesterday I went out in the rain and got wet. I may have picked up a cold or???
Either way I had no energy and spent most of the day sleeping.
It is so good that this happened after the events with the captain. I would have hated to miss it.

I will finalize this blog sometime tomorrow if I am feeling up to it.

Thanks for following us.
See you on February first when we cruise the South Pacific.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Sunday June 16, Captains Circle Party

Again this was a very nice affair. We were treated like royalty and again we were presented with Champagne and the gift of a keepsake box.

There are 50 Elite people this time so almost all will be invited to the next MTG event.

We are bring the champagne home this time. We will celebrate there.

Cocktail Party

Instead of having a luncheon for the 40 most traveled guests they had a cocktail Party. It was held in the library which was all decorated.
There was a photographer and he took each couples picture as they entered.

It was a really nice event. I don't know if we will ever get to go again but we certainly did enjoy this one.

Ketchikan, Monday june 17

Ketchikan is supposed to be the rainiest city on the planet or at least in North America. We have been here other days when it was hot and sunny but this was not one of them. It rained all day. Some of the time it was a regular light rain or a heavy rain and sometimes it was a light mist and sometimes it was a heavy mist. But what ever you call it , it was definitely wet.

Look at how shinny all of the streets are.. That is rain.

There were ships of all sizes in port, The Golden Princess was here also.

I made a shopping find.We have been looking for this bottle clip for a couple of rears. I was so pleased to find them today.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Saturday means a train ride, YEAH!!!

We are in Skagway and we have booked an excursion to the White Pass on the train. This time it is up and back on the train and not one way on a bus.

The seats were very uncomfortable but the views were spectacular. Between us we took at least 50 pictures but I will not bore you with all of them but I will include a few.

At the end of the ride we decided to stay in town and shop and explore. We stumbled across a very interesting small museum

We got Ken a special Fathers Day gift and we got a Xmas gift for Leo.
Then we returned to the ship and had a nap and got ready for dinner. Crab Legs was on the menu as was wonderful Halibut. We ate like kings.

After dinner we went to the theatre to enjoy a comedian. He was funny and it was a great way to end our day. We won on the Wake Show again. We now have a full set of Island Princess coasters.
Tell me how excited I am.

Tomorrow is formal night and we get champagne and a Keepsake box and a photo again.
492 days and second most traveled guests.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Friday June 15

Our day began VERY foggy and we wondered if we would see any of the glaciers today.

While we were having our breakfast the fog began to lift and we were treated to the most amazing sight. The sun shone, the sky was blue and at times the sun on the snow and ice was so bright you needed sunglasses.

We were so full from eating all day that we really had no appetite for dinner.
We returned to our room and watched the wake show. We both won a prize. I wish we were that lucky with other things.

Tomorrow we are in Skagway.