Sunday, August 26, 2018

All Good Things Must Come to an End!!

We decided not to go to Revelstroke and we stayed at Canyon RV Park. It was so cool and so smokey that we decided  not to go further.

Their hot pool is very nice . They have a cool pool as well. There were quite a few people there but fortunately not a lot of crazy kids. It was cool enough that I mainly stayed under water.

The office is interesting because there are tables that would lead you to believe there may be a restaurant there at some times of the year. They are supposed to have wi fi but it certainly was poor.
After the session in the hot pool I was feeling quite light headed so I got a bottle of water to drink while I tried to get my e-mail. I still did not feel well when Ken got there. Somehow I felt like I needed something salty. Ken got me a bag of chips. We could not believe that they charged 3.25 for a small bag of chips.? All of their prices are crazy. They are charging ten dollars to use one of their towels...crazy!!!

We roamed around the grounds. Ken was hoping to make a video of a train at the crossing. But he had no luck. They came before we arrived or after we left.

We also explored some of the tenting sites. They are magnificent. There are no facilities and they charge 35 dollars a night but the locations are almost majestic.

We got away in good time and the traffic was not too bad. In spots the smoke was as bad as we had seen. 

Later it began to rain, just a light rain. The top of the Rogers Pass was not too bad but at the top of the Coquihalla we were actually in the clouds.

We got to Abbotsford on Saturday evening. Fortunately it was a safe uneventful drive home.

My beautiful piece of metal art that we purchase at Invermere is now safely in position on our balcony. Love it!!!!

 Our two week adventure has come to an end, It seems longer when we look back on all of the things we did. Our next trip begins on October 15, we are off to Europe, and a 34 day adventure.
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