Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Tuesday August 21st

This was a very different day.
We had a big breakfast and just relaxed this morning. I turned on the TV and stumbled upon the Cohen, Manafort, Trump circus. That took care of the early afternoon.
Today they had a welcome get together scheduled for four o'clock. We decided to check it out. This was a sunny beautiful day and a welcome party seemed the perfect thing to do.

When we arrived at the rec center and the games room we were surprised to find only one couple there. They were playing a game of shuffleboard. We waited about ten minutes and no one had arrived. I went to the front desk. I was informed that the person who usually leads this event had called in sick. My afternoon of cold beverages and snacks and prizes was not to be. About that time another family of 4 arrived. We had a little visit. They are from Calgary. The clerk at the desk gave each family a coupon to get 3 movie rentals for free.

We headed back to the villa, had supper and then went to Fairmont Hot Springs.
These hot springs are much larger and more developed than the ones at Radium. It was very nice and we were there from 7:30 till about 9:15.  It was a beautiful sunset and we did enjoy it. I tried to get pictures of it but the light was difficult. We were on the wrong side of the light.

We returned here and called it a night. Tomorrow is our last day here. We head for Canyon Hot Springs on Thursday morning.

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