Wednesday, August 15, 2018

August 15th

We slept well last night because it got cool. The time zone changed so we slept a bit later than we usually do.
We are at the Canal Flats RV park. The reason we are here is the fact that the owner bought the Avion Canper and the Chev truck. We wanted to see it in its new home and of course visit  Kelly.

Our first stop was to go to The Base Camp coffee shop. This is an amazing place. Our friend Kelly runs the place and he is a collector. The walls are covered with wonderful memorabilia.

Kelly told us about some of the things we could see and places we could visit today.

Our first stop was Tilleys Memorial Park. We drove around and took photos. The staff member was named Tom and he gave us a map and some advice.

 He warned of mosquitoes so we went to the local grocery store to get the repellant we had forgotten. This is a very interesting business. They carry almost anything you can imagine. The prices are higher than I am accustomed to.

Our next stop was a trip to the head waters of the Columbia River. It is so hard to realize that this little stream is where the mighty Columbia begins The trip can easily be walked in 15 minutes. The trail is actually wheel chair accessible.

We next headed for the Swan Lake provincial Park. This park is 22 kilometers of winding, bumpy guard rail free road. It was dusty and rough . I was very glad that Ken was driving.
 The big attraction here was Lussier Hot springs. This area is a natural outdoor hot spring area. There was a very steep path that lead to the river and the springs.

There were about 30 young people there. I did not realize that there was not a change room at the bottom of this trail. I should have changed into a swim suit at the top. I was not going back up to change. Ken had his suit on under his shorts so he was fine. There was a Sulphur smell and there were 5 different "pools"

By the time we got back to the top of the trail we were hot and tired and hungry. We ate the lunch that I had packed.

We continued on to the Swan Lake . I figured since we were within 5 kilometers we should see it. Actually the smoke was so very bad again today that we did not see the surrounding mountains. But we did enjoy the lake.

We returned to the camp ground and before we knew it our stomachs were telling us it was dinner time.
We went across the highway to Fire Valley 98 restaurant. We had our meal and neither one of us could finish what we were given. Their regular meal is served on a platter and their small senior size is served on a large dinner place. The food was usual but unless you are very hungry order one regular meal and share it.

We are now back at the trailer playing on our computers. The WiFi here is the fastest I have ever experienced. AMAZING!!!

Tomorrow we are off to SunChasers Resort in Fairmount.

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