Friday, August 17, 2018

Muddy Mystery

On Tuesday as we drove to Canal Flats we kept seeing these mud covered vehicles. They were covered in red mud. In a lot of cases the only clear spot on the vehicle was the path of the windshield wipers and the head lights that they had obviously cleaned. The mystery was made even deeper by the fact that the bottoms of the doors and the wheels were not covered in this red mud. There were at least 100 vehicles in this state. They alternated with clean vehicles so it could not be a muddy road ahead. As you can well imagine this drove Ken crazy. My fertile imagination went to work trying to come up with an explanation. I decided that somewhere up ahead they were having a fund raiser. You would be sprayed with this mud and if you made a donation they would wash your vehicle. That would explain why some cars were muddy and some were not.
Yesterday when we were gassing up at Canal Flats, one of those muddy cars pulled in. Ken went over and asked them about the mud. They explained that there had been a week long music festival at Salmo. Patrons arrived and parked their car in a very dusty sandy parking lot. As vehicles passed by or used this lot the dust flew and settled on the top of  the parked cars. After a full week the cars were encased.( but not on the bottom) The festival ended and people left the lot taking all of that dust with them.

Mystery solved.
 I only wish I had a photo to show you.

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