Saturday, August 18, 2018

Off to Radium Hot Springs

Saturday August 18th,
Last evening the smoke had lifted but it is definitely not the case this morning. We had a light breakfast and then headed out. We went to the rec center and inquired if we would need a special parking pass when we bring the RV here. We learned that we could have brought the rig here rather than load and unload and leave it in Canal Flats. We plan to bring it here tomorrow. It will be so much easier when we get ready to leave here on Thursday. We do not need anything special. I also had them fix my room key. It was not working.

Then we left for Invermere. We read that there is a farmers market there so we decided to check it out. The market runs from nine until one. It is very cool to the point that we were wishing we had jackets. It was very smoky. The mountains were hidden again. Invermere is a lovely village. The residents take such pride in their town. There are wonderful flower beds on almost everyone of the intersections in the downtown,

This market was grand. There must have been 50 vendors. So many different crafts, that it was hard to believe that all of this talent is in such a small area. We saw many things we liked.

We roamed around and we bought pastries and popcorn and cherries. By then it was almost lunch time so we went looking for a place to eat. The Blue Dog was full but there was room in t The Bistro so that is where we ate. ( what makes a café a Bistro?)

Anyway we discussed what we saw at the market and we decided that not buying one of those metal sculptures for our balcony would be something we would regret forever. So we went back to the market and choose a sculpture we would like. The one we got has 3 large flowers with solar light centers and there is also a dragon fly. It is beautiful nd I know we will enjoy it for years to come. I did not get a good picture of it but I do have a picture of some of her other works.

Two happy people headed for Radium Hot Springs. We spent a couple of hours enjoying the hot waters. Neither of us spent time in the cool pool. The facilities are definitely 5 star and we highly recommend going there. The cost is reasonable and the facility is very well run.

On our way back through Radium we were treated to a look at a group of 4 big Horned Sheep who happened to be checking out Main Street.

The smoke today is as bad as it has been. The mountains were completely hidden and unless a car approaching us on the highway could not be seen until they were almost on top of us. 
Because of the smoke and the very poor air quality we are staying inside with the doors and windows closed.

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