Friday, August 17, 2018

Moving Day

Thursday was moving day. We will be heading to Sunchasers Resort at Fairmont Hot Springs. This is an exchange for our time share. Our base is Orlando but we are staying in Canada this year so this was the available exchange. We would have preferred a fall adventure but this was all we could get on short notice. Besides we are cruising in the fall.
Because Canal Flats is only a half hour away and because we could not check in until 5 we had a full day to enjoy.
The one attraction we did not get to include yesterday was a trip to Findlay Fall so after breakfast we headed out.We could not find the falls at first so we went as far as we thought we should on this washboard back road. We decided to give up so we turned around and headed back. Then we stumbled upon other cars parked just off of the road in a clearing. They had found the trail leading to the falls. The way was a narrow winding path through the woods but we followed it and sure enough we found Findlay Falls. They are beautiful and worth the treck.

We stopped to gas up. It is a lot easier to gas up when the trailer is not behind. Kelly calls that "being on the hook".

We returned to the park and began to pack up our clothes and groceries for the week in Fairmount. Ken moved the trailer out of the site and parked it in a clearing that Kelly recommended. We will return and pick it up next Thursday.

The drive was very hot and because the AC is not working at full capacity I was glad it was a short drive.

After circling a few times we found the place to register for Sunchasers. It went smoothly and after circling a few more times we found the unit we were assigned. It is lovely. We are in one of the B units with one bedroom. We are on the ground floor and we have a lovely patio .

There are plenty of things to explore near by so it should be a good week.
We unloaded the truck and put all of the food away. The meat had not thawed. But I discovered that I had forgotten to bring the milk. We went to the little shopping mall and got milk and bananas and had a wonderful hard ice cream. While here we saw the reddest sun we had ever seen, Quickly the sun dropped behind mountains we could not see.
We returned here and enjoyed TV for the first time in a few days. Then we called it a night. I was pleased and surprised to find that the WiFi is pretty good.

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