Saturday, August 18, 2018

Artist in the making??

August 17th,
Friday was a quiet day. We had a relaxing breakfast and just enjoyed the day as much as possible. The smoke is a little better and we are able to get a small glimpse of the mountains outside our door.
We went up to the Rec center around two. They were having a craft class. It was painting a flower. I have always thought that some day when I am not running like a crazy person that I would like to take painting lessons. This class seemed like a good idea. The class had a fee of ten dollars attached so I decided to give it a try.  I had fun and the results were not too bad if I do say so myself. One of the teens decided that she would charge one hundred dollars for hers and I think mine was definitely better so who knows?? This may be the beginning of a new career.

After supper I was roaming around the dial and I came across a Barbara Streisand movie. It was The Prince of Time with Nick Nolte. It was an amazing movie that I had never seen . So that is why you did not get a posting last evening. It was really late by the time it was finished. I loved the movie. If you have not seen it you should. The script and the acting are wonderful.

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