Sunday, August 19, 2018


This is the day that we chose to go back to Canal flats and get the rig. We had breakfast and then around ten we called Kelly to tell him of our plans.
We headed out and were surprised at how cool it was. The smoke was so heavy that the heat of the sun could not get through,
I was amazed at how thick the smoke is. In these pictures, there are cars headed for us and there was a car in front of us. Can you see them???

We arrived at "the Base Camp" in Canal Flats to find that the place was jumping and Kate and Kelly were very busy, too busy to visit. Lots of customers and live music.

We had a coffee and then we left and headed to the camp ground and hooked up the trailer. When we arrived back at Sun Chasers we  parked it and unhooked. Note that the mountains cannot be seen.

We decided to check out the farmers market at Fairmount. It ran from 10 till 2 so we still had time. Much to our surprise many of the same vendors we saw yesterday were there. 
The lady who does the metal sculptures was there. She had pieces similar to what we bought. I got a picture of her and the piece like our is in the second picture. I changed the purple parts for blue. You know how much I love blue.

Her web site is …
You might want to check it out.

After browsing the stalls and checking out the Purple Cow we decided to share an 8 inch Hawaiian Pizza. After lunch and a visit with a delightful little boy we headed back to Sun Chasers.
We spent the rest of the day relaxing, playing on our computers and hiding from the smoke.

1 comment:

dslrig said...

Following you daily and emailed. Smoke almost as thick here so you're not missing anything.!! The guys supposed to golf tomorrow but may not be able to see the ball!