Monday, March 17, 2014

End of the Adventure

We started the day very early, arriving at the airport around five am. We were surprised at how long it took to jump all of the hoops. We were barely at the gate when they began to board.
I was worried that I would begin to cough before take off and they would make us get off. Fortunately that did not happen.
The time in Denver went smoothly and before long we were on the plane for the last leg and home. Once the plane left the ground I knew we were safe. Even if the coughing began again they were not going to turn the plane around. Anyway we made it safe and sound and Len and Ellenor were waiting for us.
We all went out to dinner at the ABC in Abbotsford and then they took us home. It was too late to get to a clinic, so I just went to bed.I had a speaking engagement scheduled for Wednesday but knowing there was no way I could manage that I called and cancelled. They understood and we will make a new date as soon as I am back to my gabby self.

I got very little sleep and as soon as the near by Walk in Clinic was open we were there. The doctor says I have a lung infection and he has prescribed an antibiotic so I will no doubt be fine and off and running in a few days.
It was a great trip but it is also good to be home.

All in all it was a fabulous adventure and I will be busy doing the book for the next month. We saw and did so much it will be difficult to condense it into 100 pages.
We are indeed blessed.

The next little adventure will be an RV trip the end of June and then more cruising in August and September.
Till Then

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