Saturday, March 8, 2014

Stop Cancelled

Well this amazing cruise is about to come to an end. This is the last sea day and tomorrow we are at Princess Cays and on Sunday we disembark.
If you have been following the blog you know how much of an adventure it has been. The only damper on the whole thing has been this humdinger of a cold that I caught a couple of days ago. I am happy to report that the prognosis is good and it appears as if I will survive. I have spent most of yesterday and today in bed, coughing and sneezing and blowing. I expect to be back to normal by the time we get to Orlando.
Today was  the complimentary wine tasting and we didn’t go. I have been trying not to spread germs and that is such a large gathering I figured it best to stay away. We have been to the previous three and the wines are usually the same.
Tomorrow is the final day and we have to have our packed suitcases out by the door by ten O’clock pm.
In the afternoon we picked up out folder of photos and went through them. We selected three that we wanted to buy and turned the rest in. It always amazes me when I see the number of pictures they have taken.
I went to dinner but I was only there long enough to take 2 bited of the appetizer. I could not eat , this cold is really doing a number on me.
I spent a very restless night, coughing. Now my chest is really sore. This cold is weird in that it is not in my sinus cavity, just in my throat and chest.
This morning it is quite windy and the captain has decided to abort the stop at Princess Cays.  I was trying to decide if I felt well enough to go to shore and now I don’t have to decide.

Port Everglades in the morning.

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