Sunday, March 2, 2014

In Like a Lamb???

March First
In like a lamb??? The old wives saying that if March comes in like a lamb it will go out like a lion had better not be true for this area of the planet because this is a magnificent day. No lion like weather here. It is eighty degrees with a very slight breeze and calm seas. You just have to love it.
The upper decks are quite busy with the new arrivals trying to get a tan so Ken is enjoying our balcony instead of battling the crowds.
There was a teachers get together this morning but we didn’t go. Just didn’t feel like taking part. After a later breakfast in our room I went to see the Captain Circle host to get our cruise numbers adjusted. Then I went to the Holiday at sea event. Basically it is like a big garage sale. I remember shopping like someone obsessed the first time I was exposed to one of these but now I seldom buy anything. Two cruises ago I saw a nice fun watch but the line up to cash out was crazy so I put the watch back. But since then I have been thinking that I made a mistake. After all it was only ten dollars and what harm could there be in owning another ten dollar watch??:-). So I went back today and found another one like it in the pile of watches. So I bought it and now I need to figure out how to make it smaller, three links need to come out.
I watch some of the fruit and vegetable demonstration. These guys are great.
After my big shopping spree I met Ken for lunch. Today was English Pub Lunch and it is the first of March so we had English Fish and Chips… yeah French Fries. Hee hee. For those of you who don’t know I only allow myself to eat fries once a month so this is March and I could have them. This is a long month so I know I will be sorry for having given in so early but they were so good. Nice and crispy on the outside and soft and wonderful on the inside. YUM!!!!

This is a formal night with the Captain’s welcome aboard party so time to fuss.
We enjoyed our chocolate covered strawberries and got dressed for dinner. We walked the stairs avoiding the elevator, something we have done all day, both up and down by the way. Anyway as we arrived at deck five there on the phone in front of us was a man in a white uniform with burgundy shoulder epilates. When he looked up I realized it was Vincente…a former room steward of ours. He recognized us as well and there was lots of hugging and photo taking etc. He has been promoted to supervisor and looks absolutely amazing in his uniform. It did our hearts good to see that he is advancing in his career and that he is well. Hopefully we can get together before this cruise is over to catch up and perhaps have a coffee together. What a pleasant surprise this was. (He has been onboard the entire time and this is the first time I have seen him)

Dinner was great as usual, we had great visits and then we headed out to the piazza and picked up a glass of champagne. Then we quickly headed for Explorers, not stopping to see the champagne waterfall. Even with that we almost didn’t get a seat. Everyone wanted to see the performance by the ventriloquist, Mark Merchant. He did not disappoint, he brought the house down with his three new puppets, and the audience participation. His jokes were wonderful
Do you know what a Canadian is? A Canadian is an unarmed American with health care.
After the show we attempted to go to the Princess Theatre for the production show but it was too late the theatre was already full.
We came back to our stateroom, changed clothes and went down to the International Café for our usual night cap and then off to bed.
Another busy event filled day..

Tomorrow Carnival and Aruba!!!

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