Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Fear Conquered

Hey, I did it, I did it , I did it.
I organized a river tubing tour with Anton Tours in Dominica and for the past couple of months I wondered if I had made a big mistake.
I am such a chicken when it comes to anything involving water and Ken knew that and wondered and asked me if I was a bit nuts to take such an adventure. But this was going to be a test of my courage.
We were picked up at 9:30 and we were given a tour of the area including the botanical gardens and a special look off point. Then we were delivered to the spot on the river where the tour was to begin.
We were strapped into life jackets, then helmets and finally shown how to get onto the tube which would carry us down the river. I was nervous to say the least. There was a group of 4 young men there and I felt better when I realized they would be in the water with us the entire time. We were shown how to hang on tight and told not to reach for overhanging branches and the like. We were also instructed to try and lift up our butts when we come to big rocks.

Well soon we were on our way down the river. There were rapids and there were calm spots. Whenever we ended up not in the main stream and becalmed one of the young men would appear and get us going again. When they got to us they would push us out into the main flowing water and give our tube a spin as it went by. So we would go bobbing up and down and through the rapids spinning as we went. It was wonderful. The water was fast enough to be exciting but not so fast to be frightening. I was having a fantastic time. I was not afraid and it was exhilarating to be sure. In the calm spots I would lie back and look up at the clouds and the jungle trees. In the fast spots I would hang on for dear life, squealing with delight as I went. Ken was keeping an eye making certain I was fine and when I saw him I would let go of the handle just long enough to wave and assure him that I was fine.
 We were not turning all of the time but before long I knew I was going to be in trouble. In case you don’t know I get motion sick. It never occurred to me to take my Gravol before this adventure began.
Well you haven’t lived until you are lying on your back on a tube in a quickly flowing river and vomiting as you go. I could not get turned over because I certainly wasn’t letting go of the hand holds. I was in a mess to be sure but after less than a minute one of the young men came to my rescue. He got me over to the side and out of the water. After I washed off a little and was feeling steady he got me back on the tube and he held on to my tube from his tube and he got us through the next set of rapids and on to a sand bar. The driver and the bus met us there and I got out of the water and rode the rest of the way in the van. Actually there was only about 7 minutes left so I almost made it all of the way. The sad part was the fact that my stomach was so upset that I was not able to have one of the wonderful rum punch that they served at the landing. I had a little sip of Ken’s but I passed on having one of my own.
We were loaded up and taken back to the ship. We got back around one.

Would I do it again??
You Bet
Was it a highlight of this trip?
 It sure was.
Am I glad that I did it?
I certainly am.
Do I recommend it?.
Yes, yes, yes!
BUT if you are inclined to get motion sick be sure to take a tablet before you get into the van.

Thank you Anton Tours. It was a day to remember and one I won’t soon forget.

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