Monday, March 10, 2014

Orlando Arrival

We had no trouble at all when it came to leaving the ship. It went so smoothly. Princess has this down to a science.
However.... there were 6 cruise ships in the harbour today and taxis were at a premium for sure. We had to stand in line for almost an hour to get a cab.
The porter took us and our luggage outside and he explained how the system worked. He parked me and the luggage at the beginning of the line, just opposite the spot where you would get into a cab , then he pointed Ken in the direction of the end of the line. The plan was I would watch the luggage and wait and then when Ken finally arrived I would join him with the luggage at the front of the line. Simple enough. I pulled out my sun hat and waited, Ken went WAY down to the end of the line.
Well a couple from somewhere in the southern US arrived with their porter and when all was explained to them they refused ton co-operate. The man insisted he was going to get into the first taxi he saw. Well the drivers know the rules and there is a sheriff there to make certain the rules are enforced. Well this guy would not let the porter unload the luggage and he kept darting ahead to try to get into a cab. Of course the cabbies would not take them. Finally the porter unloaded the luggage in the designated spot and  would you believe the client refused ton pay? This was a very busy morning and for the porters time is money. This poor man had spent 20 minutes with these yahoos and gained nothing and in the mean time he could have been earning. But the southern Gentleman??? insisted that because the porter had not gotten him a cab he would not be paid. I felt so sorry for the porter. Well the couple in question still refused to co-operate and they stood together with their luggage.They tried again without success to butt into line. So I called the sheriff over and told him what was going on and he went over and spoke to them about and explain again how the procedure worked.
They left and the last I saw them they were trying to break the rules and put themselves to the front of the shuttle line.

Ken finally appeared and we had the cab take us to the car rental office. Things went without a hitch there we picked up our car. It is a little 4 door white Toyota. Amazingly the trunk in this is bigger than the trunk in the cab , our 2 suitcases sat side by side.

Ken hooked up our GPS and away we went. It was a beautiful day for a drive and we had no problems at all. We stopped at a WalGreens to get me some cold meds. This cold will not let go and now my sinus are involved and I went through 2 full boxes of tissue yesterday. My nose is so sore and I am feeling quite miserable. But I got some soft tissue, aahhh!
Well my favorite place to eat when I am in southern US is Cracker Barrel. We found one( there were many) and had lunch there. We had not been thinking about the fact that it was sunday and the after church crowd would be there. We saw many older ladies in their "Sunday Go To Meeting" clothes. It was great to see the fine dresses and matching hats and shoes. Ken had meatloaf, I had chicken soup but I couldn't eat it all. I got a box and took it with me.

 NUVI brought us right to the door. Checking in was not a problem. The Westgate Palace is just that quite elegant to say the least.
It was not long before we had called it a night I was so worn out by this cold.
We are here until Sunday so I will tell you more about it in my next post..

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