Friday, March 7, 2014


Yesterday morning I noticed that my throat was a bit sore and by last evening it was more uncomfortable and this morning it is a full blown sore throat. We had planned to go over to St.John with a CC group. We have never been there and that would have been nice but we this sore throat I decided to pass and Ken didn’t go either. I have spent most of the morning napping on and off and sucking on throat lozenges. This is the last formal night so I hope I feel up to going. Lobster, yumm.

We are currently docked in beautiful  St.Thomas and the day is bright and sunny.
The day was spent resting but I did get  to formal night and the comedian in Explorers last night.
But I spent a pretty rough night, coughing, sneezing and just generally being sick. This is now a very bad cold complete with a runny nose, a cough, a sore chest and a buzzy head, So quess what I will be doing today???… resting, blowing and napping. Thankfully it is a sea day and I have already done almost everything scheduled in the patter.

I will keep you updated.

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