Saturday, March 15, 2014


Well I have gotten e-mail wanting to know where I am so I guess I had better let people know that it really wasn't a death rattle and I am fine.
When we arrived here I was impressed with how nice it is and I really just tried to get feeling better. Here are a few pictures of our digs.

We went out and got groceries and tissue and cough drops and cough medicine .
Outside of the Westgate Palace

We relaxed and enjoyed the wonderful views and like everyone else we were glued to our TV wanting to know what was happening with flight 390.
We discovered much to our surprise that our suitcases were overweight. Too many sauces and spices I suspect. Anyway we went to the post office and got a box and filled it with heavy things. The box weighed 13 pounds 6.8 ounces, so hopefully we are fine now. Doing that juggling took up some of our time to say the least.

On Thursday Nancy and cliff drove over from Cocoa and we had a great visit. We went to the longhorn for a mid day meal and it was great. We were so glad to see them.

Then yesterday we went to view Westgate Lakes, took our box to the post office and sent it on its way.
The big event for the day was a visit to Sunny and diane Banks. They winter about an hour and a half from here in a community called Avon. When we arrived I laid down and had a nap because I was really feeling terrible. Ken visited with Diane and then went to the car race sight where sunny volunteers. He really enjoyed it which made me feel better. Basically Ken has had no time for fun because he would not leave me in the unit alone. Again I must say how thankful I am that this monster cold did not happen at the beginning of the cruise.
Diane is a retired nurse and when I told her about this and how it developed. How it  was just a sore throat for days and then became this terrible cold she figures that I had a viral infection during the first 5 days and when my resistance was down a bacterial infection got me. She figures a doctor will give me an antibiotic when we get back to Abbotsford.
Diane was a pet and she prepared a wonderful meal for us , a meal that included fresh from the oven rolls. I ate and it felt good for the first time in day.
We left there around 7:30 and Ken had no trouble getting us back here even in the dark.
I got some sleep through the night and I feel a little better this morning. I just got out of a nice shower . 

Today we are in a holding pattern basically. Our plane leaves at 6:54am tomorrow. We have closed the suitcases and both are around 47 pounds so we should be just fine. I am hoping the coughing will subside today. I can only  imagine how upset passengers will be if I am coughing constantly while in the air.

In the mean time all is well and we are relaxing and looking forward to being home soon.
I will post one more time before I close off this adventure of 49 days. 

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