Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Across the Pond

Well this trip is going to be the farthest one we have taken, I think!!?? Is the UK farther from here than the Horn? maybe not.
Anyway we are going to the United Kingdom, then across the Atlantic and then up the east coast of North America to Quebec city and then back to Abbotsford.
We are going to be visiting many different places, different for us at least.
The journey begins on August 20th with 5 days in London and 2 days in Southampton before we board the beautiful Ruby Princess for 36 glorious days.
All through school we studied British history. I learned about the Tower of London, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey and the list goes on. So we are going to be there and see these places in actuality. We were even lucky enough to get tickets to tour Buckingham Palace.
 We are also going to spend a day in Paris. Who has not dreamed of strolling past the Eiffel tower?
 Then we travel to Iceland and Norway and with any luck we will see the Northern Lights.
 After crossing the Atlantic we visit St Johns NFLD and then  we will spend a day in New York City. Do you know that the statue of Liberty is an actual lighthouse?
Next we travel up the East coast to see the fall foliage in all its glory. I am hoping we are not too early.
The final stop is in Quebec City on October 2nd. 
The Ruby Princess is going to take us to so many wonderful places, there will be so much to see and do in 43 days.
 We fly back to Abbotsford on October 3rd.

I have decided to handle this like I did for the last trip. I will blog about a place and then report on what we did there and hopefully include pictures for you to enjoy. Wish us good internet connections.

So hang on and follow us as we go.

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