Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Very Nice Day

We had a lovely day. It was sunny and warm and so we took good advantage of the warmth and the sunshine.
After breakfast we walked the mile around the track. Then we did a bit of work around the trailer. We had a good visit with Harvey and \Jeanne and we decided to go to lunch together. There is a buffet at the Casino and we will go there. But before that I sat out and got some sun and Ken put the awnings out so he could make sure they were dry. Around two we went to the Casino and had a great lunch. We got a free deck of cards which we really didn't need since we have 11 decks on board.
When we came back here we decided to go to the pool, unfortunately there was a group of children at the pool. But we sat in the sun and enjoyed there energy. When they left we had 10 minutes to be in the water before the next group arrived.
Then we came back here and |I decided to test Skype. I figured out how to use it and Harvey and Jeanne helped us do a test run.
We found the hockey game on the computer. We can't watch it but we can listen to it.
I'm glad we decided to stay here for the day.
We will head out early in the morning.
Tomorrow night we will be home, at least for a couple of weeks.

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