Tuesday, May 10, 2011

At Quality Inn

We were awake early, excited I guess. Gave up and got up around seven.
We got everything done and left the house at nine. There was little traffic at the border and in spite of choosing the wrong line we were across in a little more than 5 minutes. We went to the Post Office at Sumas and my ribbon order and my new golf shoes were there.
Next we headed to Harry and Susan's. We told them we would be there around ten and Ken pulled into the driveway at 9:59. They had wonderful cinnamon rolls and strawberries along with great coffee for us. We had a wonderful visit and left around 11:30
We gased up in Marysville and headed across Seattle. There were no holdups and we arrived here around 2:30
The Inn is quite nice . We have arranged for a 5:00 wake up call and a shuttle ride to the airport at 5:30.
There is cable in this room and we are enjoying the Detroit, San Jose hockey game.
We will go out and get something to eat as soon as the game is over.
Then we will go to bed early because it will be a short night.
Tomorrow night we will be on board the Golden... can't wait!!

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