Friday, May 13, 2011

In the Air

In the air,
We are in the air on our way to LA. So far the flight has been very smooth.
Last evening after the hockey game ended we went out and got some supper and brought it back to our room. We watched a bit more TV Ken got a shower and we called it a night.
Our wake up call came at five but we were up already. Our room was near the lobby and so we could hear people chatting and laughing as they waited for their shuttle.
We boarded the shuttle right on time and were at the airport in just a few minutes. We breezed through security without a problem and so we had an hour and a half to kill before boarding.
We had some breakfast, took our meds and people watched for a while. The thing we noticed while we were having breakfast was the chairs. We ate in an area that was like a food court in that there were vendors all around a common seating area. The seating was very nice with lovely wooden tables and chairs. But not all of the chairs were the same … in fact it reminded me of Goldilocks. There were the regular chairs and then there were some that were wider and there were some that were wider still. In fact the biggest ones were as wide as 2 chairs would be. They were not built higher and they were made of the same dark walnut colored wood. I guess the airlines are making allowances for the increased, supersized passengers.
 There is a group of teenagers on board. It appears to be a band field trip. As we watched them we were glad that we are older and retired and not in charge.  Being older is sometimes a good thing.
When on board we were pleasantly surprised to find that our carry on luggage fit perfectly in the above compartment. Alaska Airlines enforces the policy regarding how much luggage you can carry on so there was room for everyone to stow there one bag above and their purse etc on the floor in front of them.
We are above the clouds and we are in the sun up here. Ken just pointed out the top of Mount Shasta. It has a lot of snow on it this year.
We can see a lot of snow down there. We land in just over an hour from now.

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