Friday, May 13, 2011

Day three

Day three,
Well this is our last day. Again I say this has been way too short.
The day was gray and cool but it was a cruise day so that makes it a good day.
The sea was rough and we rocked most of the night. I had to take a Gravol because things were not great. We went to the dining room for breakfast and we sat with very nice people so we had great conversation as well as good food. I had one poached egg on toast and Ken had pancakes.
After breakfast I checked out the outlet sale and there was nothing that I wanted.
Today was the dessert special and again I went up and took pictures and left before I was tempted to have some of the many wonderful goodies.
We each had a half sandwich and a piece of cheese and a tart for lunch. Then I had a nap and Ken went to the nature lecture. When he returned we went to the Piazza and had a special coffee and listened to the Golden Princess band. They played a selection of Dixieland music. While we were there the cookie man came by and I took his picture but for the first time we passed on the cookies and milk.
There was supposed to be a meeting of Red Hatters but no one showed up. I had my poncho and head band just in case.
After that we came back to our room to change for dinner and the Captain’s Circle Cocktail party.
The party was good as usual, lots of free cocktails and canapés. Wayne and Carol found us and so we sat together and had a few pictures taken.
When it was over we rushed to the dining room. Richard and Andy were waiting. Tonight we both had scallops. It was baked Alaska night which is always fun.
Ken gave the tip envelopes to the guys. We returned here to change and I discovered that I won a prize for my answer on the Wake Show this morning. The prize is a key ring thing.

We went to the Princess Theatre to watch Darrel Joyce. He was a comedian and he was very funny. Wayne and Carol came in just as the show was about to begin. They had won trophies for their ballroom waltz.
After the show we returned here to pack and put out our bags. Princess is going to move them to the Sapphire for us.:-)
Then we went up to Horizon Court to get some protein and a drink so I can take my pills.
What an event filled day this was.!!!
Tomorrow we disembark, meet Kerri and Noah for coffee and a chance to wish Noah a happy birthday.
We will give little Leo his lion and give Noah his hockey jersey and then we board the sapphire Princess to sail away to Seattle.
This was a great cruise but then again all cruises are great.

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