We woke and had breakfast and then we went for a walk around their track. We left the park around ten o'clock.
We had no problem getting here. We arrived and checked in around 12:30. While Ken hooked up I made lunch and got everything dome inside. We are next to Tom.
There was a lot of hugs and greetings happening. We visited with old friends during happy hour. Then three Canadian couples and Tom went out to dinner together. The ice cream social was planned for 7:30. Ken and I watched the second and third periods of the hockey game. Phil and Judy joined us for the third period. We enjoyed it , the Canucks won. Then they went to their rig and we got ready to call it a night. There are 2 tours tomorrow and we have to line up at nine.
It was a great day and tomorrow should be a lot of fun also
Enjoying your blog. The diesel here is $1.23.6 today. Gas is $1.25.1 but in the city it is a penny less. Happy trails!!
I forgot to sign my comment!!!Inez
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