Sunday, May 15, 2011

The One Day Wonder,

This is the day that we change ships.
We were up early and we disembarked without problems and we met Kerri and Noah and Stewart and Leo at the near by Starbucks. We gave Noah his hockey jersey which was his gift for his 13th birthday. Leo was a delight as usual.
The kids left us around 11:15 and we headed back to the ship. We considered walking around for awhile but it was cool and we decided to just return to the ship. It took us almost an hour because of the line up. There are 4 ships in port today and we were told the total number of passengers was more than 14,000 . Amazing, truly amazing.
Anyway we did get back and decided to go to the buffet for lunch. We were eating and enjoying the scenery when we noticed an especially long line forming on the dock at Canada Place which was below us. We would learn later that it was the line up to clear security and go through customs. Some people were in line as long as 4 hours. The problem was just volume. Apparently they can handle 2 ships but 4 is just beyond them.
We went for a short tour of the ship, getting reacquainted since this is the same ship we were on for the Hawaian cruise. We went to Skywalkers for the Platinum Cruise members special drink and nibblies. The drink was a Cosmopolitian and it was very good. There was a shrimp fountain which is always yummy.
The Sail away and Emergency drill were delayed by 2 hours because of the problem getting people on board. When it was time to sail the captain announced that because there were 800 passengers who were still not on board, departure would be delayed.
We had anytime dining and we then took in the production show. It was great as usual.
We shopped a little, Ken bought a bottle of dark rum and then we went to Horizon Court for some lemonade and a cookie.
Then we called it a night.
We will be up early in the morning and then on our way back to Abbotsford.
All too soon our little adventure has come to an end.

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