Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Sea Days

 This is the second of 5 sea days so I do not expect to have much to write about. 

But something different happened this morning. I was in the theatre waiting for the enrichment lecture on the Suez Canal and I noticed 2 people in white uniforms with gold braid walking down the aisle appearing to look for someone. Then they stopped and appeared to have found the person they were looking for. Next there was an announcement asking someone to meet them at the entrance. About three rows ahead and about 5 seats to the right a man stood up and one of the passengers jokingly says "Oh Oh they found you."He replied "it is the medical police". He heads to the entrance and within seconds a staff member with a yellow bucket of sanitizer hurries to the seat that was just vacated and begins to wash the seat, the back of the chair and the arms of that chair. Then he left and almost immediately the lecture began.

What was the issue? Was it a case of Covid or what? That man was not supposed to be in the theatre and the doctors came for him . Did the Medalion App show them where to find him? 

It must have been something out of the ordinary but what!?? I do not know what it was about but I can be thankful that the Princess medical team was handling it. I was also glad that I was wearing my mask the entire time.


sandy in spain said...

Oh my, seems odd...curiouser and curiouser

Bob and Janet said...

Hope that you hear some follow-up.....we ALL want to know!

Pescado Amarillo said...

Definitely he broke COVID or noro quarantine. I’ve seen this same thing happen in the Princess Theater before (it was during a noro outbreak). Yes, they can track you with the medallion