Monday, March 13, 2023


 Piracy Drill, ( Crew)

As our ship is transiting in a High-Risk Area while under increased security, the crew will be exercised in their respective duties. No action is required by our guests.

This announcement was part of the Patter we received last evening and Piracy was one of the topics at dinner. Apparently water cannons have been installed on the Starboard and Port sides of deck seven. We decided to go and have a look after dinner. I do not know what I expected but a fire hose was not it. Actually water Cannons  are simply large hoses connected to a water source.

I gather that if there is an incident the crew members will activate these hoses and direct them at the intruders. During the destination lecture this morning  the captain interrupted Deb to bring us up to date. Apparently there has been no Pirate activity since Covid and there is no expectation of an event. All ships and governments are in contact keeping the oceans under surveillance and information will be passed on.

He explained that any suspicious activity is being reported and drones are now being used. We were told that should there be an alarm we are to close all doors and windows and make our way to a windowless area mid ship such as the hallways.

Passengers who were interested in taking part in the drill were invited to join the crew.

After all of this the captain assured us that everything is being done and we should not be concerned. We would see what happens. 

A nervous laugh erupted from the audience.

If there are any new events I will keep you informed......Never a dull moment!!

1 comment:

Debbie and Gary S. said...

Interesting for sure.