Saturday, March 25, 2023



City in Jordan


Welcome to Aqaba, a city steeped in a rich history that dates back to pre-biblical times. Ruled by the Romans, Mamluks, and Ottomans, Aqaba was an important trading port in the region. With its amazing history, culture, seaside resorts, 

Aqaba is a Jordanian port city on the Red Sea's Gulf of Aqaba. Inhabited since 4000 B.C., it's home to the Islamic-era Aqaba Fort. Its beach resorts are popular for windsurfing and other water sports, and the area is a top destination for scuba divers, with notable dive sites including the Yamanieh coral reef in the Aqaba Marine Park, south of the city. ―

This is the place where cruisers get to travel to Petra.Petra is an amazing place, one of the seven wonders of the world. It has been the lost city for good reason. For hundreds of years its existence was unknown . However getting there is not easy and not for OLDER folks.  Here is what the tour description says :
Special Note: This is a strenuous walking tour and is recommended only for passengers who are physically fit. It is approximately a half mile walk from the entrance to the site to the beginning of the narrow gorge called the Siq. From there all must walk approximately another 5-6 miles through the Siq and enter into the city ruins returning along the same path. Shade is limited, please dress accordingly.Wear light clothing and comfortable walking shoes.

Decision Made!!!

There have been many documentaries made about this place and part of the Movie Raiders of the Lost Arc was filmed there. So we have decided to watch the films and take a different excursion.

We are going to Relax At Movenpick Beach Resort .
We will spend some time on a private beach in Aqaba at the luxious Movenpick Resort. Relax at the beach by the Red Sea or enjoy this 5 star resorts swimming pools, jacuzzi, a sauna and a whirlpool. There is a roomy sun terrace and an outdoor restaurant. There are several other activities if we are interested . We leave the ship at 10:00 and return at 3:30

The Island Princess arrived in the port at around 7:00. I am dismayed at how desolate this area looks. It is hard to understand why civilization ever started here. Why was this part of the world called the Promised Land??

We made our way to the Explorers Lounge to wait until we were called to go to immigration.
The immigration process was quick and easy, we were through in minutes. Next we walked through the terminal and just before we exited there was a stand selling souvenirs. There is the very front were items that would make wonderful tree decorations. I stopped and asked if he would be there later in the day. He replied that he would be there until the ship left. So now I knew I could get my ornament there when we returned at four.

The bus was new and well air conditioned and we left as soon as all of the ticket holders had arrived. The drive from the port to the resort was only about 12 minutes long. There was no commentary along the way which was a disappointment. This is a beautiful modern city, it would have been nice to learn more about it and the culture.

We arrived at Movenpick Beach Resort and were immediately impressed by the opulence, but where is the beach. Wasn't this supposed to be a beach day? We were stopped in the city??

We went inside and it was equally grand.

The person who was supposed to be our guide acquired tickets and we were each given a card. Then we were told to follow him. We followed him through a maze of hallways and flights of stairs and corridors each turn taking us down. These areas were beautifully landscaped with waterfalls and pools and gardens.

 We rounded a path and much to our surprise there was the Red Sea. We were at the beach after all. There was a sandy beach , a very nice restaurant , lots of lounge chairs complete with umbrellas and small tables.

On arrival our tickets were taken from us and we were given a bottle of cold water and a towel. No other explanation was given.

We walked along the beach and chose two loungers and a table. One lounger in the shade and one in the sun. The view was spectacular, you would never have known we were in the middle of the city.

I went to the change room to get into my swim suit. This area was not as special as the rest of the resort but it was adequate.

We spent the next 2 hours getting into and out of the water and enjoying the sea and the sun and the scenery. I continue to be amazed at how desolate the undeveloped areas are. Mountains with different shades of beige and brown and rust are barren with not one sign of life. This would make a startling painting.

Around noon we headed from the beach to the wonderful outside eatery. We asked for a menu and surprised the waiter when we told him we needed a paper menu because we could not access the QR code menu.
We decided to just order a cold drink and to share a plate of fries. We did not have local currency and had no idea of the exchange rate. Ken paid with his cc and the final bill in Canadian currency was just over 20 dollars. The drink we chose was Pepsi , diet and regular. It was interesting to see the Arabic script on those blue and red cans. The fries were the slim ones and they were cooked perfectly. We both really enjoyed this snack which is not normal for us. But the fries were perfectly cooked and were not at all greasy.

After lunch we moved to the pool just on the other side of the restaurant. Again there were lots of loungers and the area was beautifully landscaped. Around the pool were the suites to be rented. They seemed to be very attractive and from the placement of the windows it appeared as if each suite had 2 levels. Beautiful mature palm trees dotted the court yard. I was wondering if they were date palms based on what appeared to be blossoms. 
Spring is in the air and the doves were courting and calling to each other. It was so special and so relaxing.
The water in the pool was quite cool to say the least. We were told that there was a warmer pool but no one ever told us where it was.

Soon it was time to pack up and get ready to leave this amazing resort. We were to meet at 3:30 and it was almost three. We gathered our things and headed out. There was no signage and basically we had to try to remember what was familiar. At one point we felt as if we got turned around and had to ask for help. During this we came across the inside pool and the hot tubs and other amenities that we were supposed to have access to but were never informed about.

We arrived at the bus about 3:12 and there were many people on the bus already. We would learn that many passengers believed that departure was supposed to have been at three and they were upset that the bus had not left. One person actually suggested that the bus should leave without the missing guests. Why they did not read the note that Princess gave all of us informing us of the 3:30 departure or listen to the guide when he informed everyone that he would return at 3:30. The last person arrived at 3:27 and we left at exactly 3:30. When departing the bus I overheard one passenger berating the guide for the fact that the departure time was confusing. He did not read and he did not listen and it was someone else's fault.
Taking responsibility for your actions is almost a new concept.
I spoke to the guide and told him that I knew the departure was 3:30 and he thanked me for the kind words.

We departed the bus at the port and that stall was still open so I was able to get 2 possible ornaments. One is actually a key ring and one is a magnet but they will work perfectly.

The evening entertainment was a folkloric show featuring a band named The Demankas Band. It was a group of 6 men, three of the men sang, 2 played drums and 2 played stringed instruments. Later a synthesizer was played. I can't say that I enjoyed it but part of it was the fact that we were never told anything about the instruments or the songs or the traditions. All of it was in Arabic with no English at all. Many people left before the end of the show.

We sat out on the balcony for a little while and then called it a night.
Tomorrow is scenic cruising on the way to Suez. Also we are meeting with Ken and Julia for lunch and it is Duck Day.

I just learned that tomorrow night the entertainer is Carlos Oscar. He is by far our favorite comedian and we were hoping to see him on this cruise.



sandy in spain said...

Looks like a pleasant resort, did any of the locals speak English, so they could have helped with the menu. Nice ´Christmas´decorations :-)

Nancy in Florida said...

I love tagging along on your adventure. Photos are great. Keep having fun.