Monday, March 13, 2023

Help from the Medical Center

 I have no idea how it happened but yesterday was the day I am supposed to do my Ozempic injection and when I went to gather my tools I did not have any needles. What I use is actually like an epi pen, the needle part screws on to the unit holding the medication. I  had the medication and I had a box of the needles which I have been using since this voyage began. BUT last Sunday I finished the box of tips that I had been using.

Last evening when I went to the drawer to get another box of tips they were not there. I spent the next hours going through everything and I mean everything in this cabin at least 3 times. Ken helped but it was to no avail, they were not here. I have no idea if I left them home, or if I left them in a hotel or what! I was frantic. I know that not taking it for the next 60 days would not be life threatening but I really did not want that to be the outcome.

So this morning at nine I was at the medical center. The doctor assured me that it would not be a problem. She would give me syringes and show me how to extract the correct amount of medicine and I could do the injection in that way. 

Could you believe that the idea of doing a proper injection with a real needle did not thrill me? Dr Smith left to get me the syringes and I sat trying to convince myself that I could do this. 

When she returned she had 3 orange syringes and a small box. She told me that she had located what might replace the lost tips. I held my breath while she tried to screw the tips in place.

THEY FIT!!! YEAH! She had 3 of these that she could give me right away and she would order more and she would contact me when they arrived.

So since I use this only once a week I am good for the next 2 injections which gives it lots of time for the next ones I will need to arrive.

Time To Exhale!!!

Thanks Doc!!!

1 comment:

Nancy in Florida said...

I'm so glad for you. God is good. Glad too you figured out the problem downloading photos. You'e photos are great. I'm truly enjoying your trip.