Thursday, March 23, 2023

Odds and Ends, Bits and Pieces AND NUMBERS

Odds and Ends, Bits and Pieces. AND NUMBERS!!

 I do not know what happened but somewhere I lost a day. This is day 5 of our 5 sea days and I was certain that it was day 4. 

So I am going to try to catch you up on a few things. First of all the man who was made to leave the theatre by the medical police was in the theatre last evening. I guess he has served his time because he was able to stay for the entire performance.

There are some sick people on board. If you are being quarantined there is a small table outside of your room . This is for delivering meals. There are 4 of such tables on our area of deck 10. There is a terrible cough on board. You can hear it coming from all over the theatre when you are there. It is a deep rattly cough that people are calling the crud. No Neurovirus  yet.

We have been hiding ducks but not many people are reporting that they found them. We hide and then go back to see if the duck is gone. I counted what is left and we will now be hiding 3 each week in order to give them all away before we dock and so not have to pack them home.

Tomorrow is a very busy day for some. We will be in Jordan. It is the day that you go to Petra. It will take all day. To get there involves a bus drive of over two and a half hours and then a 5 or 6 hour walk in the desert canyons. Your day will be over 10 hours and it is rated as Strenuous and only recommended for the physically fit. Although it will be amazing we have decided that it is too much for us. We are going to a beach resort. It is a private beach in Aqaba . We will relax on a beach on the Red Sea. I will report on it when we get back tomorrow.

Yesterday I went to a lecture on how to de clutter. As you may have guessed 75% of the audience was women. Ken did not want to go. I may have gotten a few new ideas.

I changed the door decorations to an Easter theme. You may notice that the Easter bunny has only one leg. I think I left his other leg at home. I have tried to camouflage the absent leg by placing eggs and the basket strategically.

We have changed our dining arrangements again. For the first segment we were in the Provence Dining room  and the air conditioning was not working properly and our table was always cold. We had good table mates but Leo and Pauline were leaving . So at the end of segment one we asked to move to the Bordeaux dining room. It was not cold and we had hopes for good table mates. We were given a table for 8 and we were the only ones doing traditional dining. We would go at  five and often the table would not be filled until almost an hour later.  So at the end of segment 2 we asked to be moved to a table for 2. This is working out very well. There are other private tables in the area and we have met very nice people. We are always on our way out of the dining room around 6:30. Tonight is our Captain's Circle party and we will have no problem getting there at seven.

Here is a picture of our room steward. He is named Dadapeer but is called DaDa . He is from India and he is the best ever. When Ken was ill he checked on us to make certain we did not need anything. He is always smiling and he visits with us daily. Heck he even makes sure our shoes are lined up perfectly on the closet floor!!! 

Besides all of that he said that we look so good for our age that we are bound to live to be 100. So with that kind of wisdom what is there to not like.???

Time is getting closer to that of home. We are now only 10 hours ahead of Abbotsford. and we get 3 more hours back during this segment. It is 10:39 on Thursday late morning at the Red Sea and in Abby it is 12:39 very early Thursday morning. It is actually the same day.

One last bit. Usually we trade all of the alcohol in our mini bar for brandy so we can use it to make the Xmas cakes. Well they do not have the small bottles of brandy on this ship so we ended up with Scotch. I was able to change all of the scotch for ginger ale, coke , diet coke, water and beer. I figure we will drink that and not need to pack it in the suitcase to take home. Saving weight will likely be very necessary ,55 or so Xmas ornaments will be heavy.

Fortunately we have lots of brandy left from other cruises, the Xmas cakes are not in danger of being made without the good stuff.

Here are the figures on passengers days at sea.

On this cruise there are 1950 passengers on board

Blue.....270 passengers

Gold ....12 passengers

Burgundy 13 passengers

Platinum .....630 passengers

Elite.... 985 passengers

Most Traveled passengers

1st...260 cruises...2557 days with Princess 

2nd   103 cruises...2109 days with Princess

3rd...190 cruises...1962 days with Princess.

When all days are taken into account this group of passengers have logged 153,000 days at sea.

That is equaled to 860 years at sea.

Now that is amazing!!!!! Truly AMAZING!!!

To close this ramble I want to share some of the amazing sunrises and sunsets that we have been treated to. I can see lots of sunset and sunrise paintings in my future.


1 comment:

sandy in spain said...

Phew a 5 or 6 hour walk in the desert to see Petra, that´s somewhat off putting...why can´t other transport be used? Just wonder what else there is to see apart from The narrow entrance and The Treasury

How long is the walk from the entrance of Petra to the Treasury?

The walk from the entrance of Petra to the Treasury (the iconic facade that is the highlight on a visit to Petra), is 2km long, or just over one mile. If you walk fast, you can get to the Treasury in 20 minutes. If you slow down, enjoy the views, and take lots of photos, it can take at least 30 minutes.