Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Wednesday March 8th, SAD TALE

 This is Wednesday, we are back from our excursion and I have a sad tale to tell.

I can't get my #@*&@ computer to download photos. It will show them to me so I know they are there but they will not download them to the computer which means I cannot add them to the blog.

SO the plan is to write the blog and then come back later and add the photos if I can get this computer or whatever to co-operate.

Sorry about that.

I have been successful with some but I may still be in trouble. :-(


Pescado Amarillo said...

No need to apologize, Carolyn. I appreciate everything you post, words and pics alike. And I know too well the challenges of trying to publish blog posts while on a cruise! Just enjoy your time and don’t stress over it.

Bob and Janet said...

Totally are there to enjoy yourselves, not to entertain us!!!

sandy in spain said...

Just catching up wit your there a computer nerd/expert who might be able to help?