Friday, March 3, 2023


 Here at sea it is Friday March 3rd. It is another sea day so I plan to post a few odds and ends. They will not be in any particular order, just what ever comes to mind during the day.

It is very humid in this part of the world which means a few things that I have discovered. If I make the mistake of going outside with my glasses on , they fog up and I can see nothing for a few minutes. Often I hurry out to take a picture of something and when I take that photo it is usually fogged up. So if I am expecting to see something interesting I have to anticipate that and put the cool camera outside at least a few minutes early so the camera adjusts to the heat and humidity. That can cause problems and often results in missed pictures. On the same topic if the temperature inside the cabin is what we consider comfortable and we go out on the balcony it feels very warm in the humid air. When I return to the cabin the room feels VERY cool and I have to grab my hoodie. So we spend a lot of time putting the temperature up or down.

Why do I accomplish so little on a sea day?? I brought a sketch book and pencils with me and my plan was to have time to sketch and perhaps learn portraiture. I have done none of that yet. I have found the problem....we spend too much time eating. At home breakfast takes about 10 minutes and lunch takes that or less, dinner may take 20 minutes. So in all I spend less that 45 minutes each day eating. Here on the ship it takes almost 6 hours. First of all you must dress for each meal, you do not go to breakfast in your pajamas. So that takes 10 minutes for more, then you have to make your way to the table which for us means going from deck 10 to deck 5 and I usually try to walk there, at least 5 minutes more. Then you wait to be taken to a table, then you go through the ritual of meeting your table mates for the morning.You visit until the table is full. Then the waiters take your beverage order, juice, coffee etc. Then at this point or just before the waiter with the pastry selection comes to your table. You make your selection, I always get a bran muffin and Ken get a cinnamon raisin swirl. The waiter arrives and takes everyone's order for a breakfast item, fruit, or cereal or eggs or pancakes or whatever . Then you continue to visit while you wait for the food to be prepared and delivered. Then you eat your fruit then your main course all while visiting with your new friends.  So with the ceremony and preparation involved breakfast is a 2 hour procedure. Repeat that for lunch and dinner and you have just spent 6 hours dining . If you plan to go to any events in the Princess theatre you must get there at least a half hour early to be certain to get a seat. Usually the function there will take at least 45 minutes to an hour so there goes another hour.  Then because I blog I use another hour at least  every day . So there is not much time left in your day, hence no sketching gets done.


Just because you are on a ship does not mean you won't hear gossip. Like gossip anywhere you have to take what you hear with a grain of salt. So I will repeat these tales with the caveat that I have not witnessed any of it I have just heard about it.

One passenger was caught being a thief. He stole cell phones and computers and these items were found in his cabin. Did you know that there is a jail on board? He is its new occupant but I have heard nothing about when or where he will be put off of the ship.

One person was caught smoking on his balcony. He was warned and fined twice and on the third event he was put off of the ship. I have not heard if it was tobacco or Marijuana that he was smoking.

Apparently 2 ladies got into it over hogging of washers and dryers. Did one lady put another ladies wash on the floor so she could use the machine. The fist fight became a real battle when the husbands joined the melay. It is said that a security person was assaulted and as a result both couples were put off of the ship. No refunds, no compensation of any kind.One of the stories had them being lifted off by helicopter with all of those costs being theirs. I can't believe that part of it. There was a helicopter evacuation at one time and I assumed it was for medical reasons but the story is that there were 2 helicopters, one for each couple because there were not trusted to be in the same one.. Stay tuned and if I get anything confirmed or get any other juicy morsels I will pass them along . With the same is GOSSIP not facts.


sandy in spain said...

Gosh... it's all kicks off on your ship....may be the start of writing a short story....with illustrations?

Carol said...

The gossip is intriguing. I heard about the laundry incident via Facebook.

Janet said...

Maybe you should write a book....."...Behind Scenes on a Cruise ship?"
List it as fiction and use up the first page with disclaimers......think of all the trips you could go on with the earnings !!!!

Gary and Debbie S. said...

As Gary would say, “that sounds like the cruise to be on.” Haha.