Saturday, March 4, 2023

Saturday March 4th

 This has been and still is a confusing day.

Tomorrow we will be in Singapore and then on March 7 we are supposed to be visiting the community of Langkawi in Malaysia. However the captain has announced that due to a labour dispute the tours there will not be able to take place. So instead we will be docking in Penang . Shore excursions has managed to come up with seven possible tours for us. The printed list of tours is in our hands. We have examined them and we have choosen the one we would like to take. So I went down to the office to find a line of about 50 people all waiting to book a tour. The office does not open until 4:00. Booking on line is supposed to be possible but as of yet this community is not on the list of stops. We have tried every way of booking and nothing is as yet possible. So we wait.

In the meantime I thought I would catch you up on a few things.

We decided to try Room Service for lunch and we were very impressed. There is a great selection possible. You can order using the medalion ap and it shows illustrations of all of the selection and the order arrived at our door in less than a half hour. The service is great and there is no cost unless you want a special beverage. Even tipping is not required but we did anyway.

One of the fellow passengers brought me 2 models of the dragons that I can use as an ornament for the tree. I will add a place name. One is less than 3 inches and one is about four inches.

Yesterday was a formal night . It featured a new production show named All You Need Is Love

The music was sensational as usual. This cast leaves the ship in Singapore and a new group arrives. 

We went to one of the hot tubs the other night. We had the entire area to ourselves. The conservatory is a special place and we both love it there.

Last evening we went to Movies Under The Stars. They were showing a pirates flick. Ken loves that series with Johnny Depp. So we sat and ate popcorn and enjoyed that again. We were not back in our cabin until after eleven. Our latest night on this cruise.

Because it is Saturday this is duck day.We tried to find a place to hide it. Ken likes to make them VERY hard to find where as I figure they shouldn't be that hard. Finally we decided on putting it on top of one of the elevator signs.We shall see how long it remains not found.

Tonight is the crew talent show and I am really looking forward to that.

Oh ... did you know that they sanitize all of the railings and chairs etc after every show?

Tomorrow we are due to be in Singapore. We do have an excursion planned so it should be fine. Hopefully our bus will be air conditioned. Tomorrow I will report and tell you all about it.


Pescado Amarillo said...

I enjoyed your analysis about where your time goes that you posted yesterday. Boy is that ever true! So much time spent eating and waiting in the theater! That’s why we finally had to just ask for a table for 2. It saved us a lot of time each day, and though it is certainly not as social, somehow my husband manages to meet a large number of people on every cruise. That repeated hot humid air to air conditioned air cycle made me really sick when we were in Southeast Asia for over a month. Our Malaysian nurse on board said she saw it happen a lot in people with asthma. Stay healthy! And finally, we’ve heard of people put off the ship on all of our longer cruises. People should have to pass a psychological evaluation before they can cruise for more than two weeks. Some people just can’t take it. Have fun and thanks for posting!

sandy in spain said...

So glad you received 2 'dragons' for your World Christmas tree. Did people tell you how they managed on the 'Dragon Tour' I know you said there was an hour walk to get to the area where they were? Singapore is lovely, lots of fabulous material and of course you will have to try a Singapore Sling in Raffles: funnily enough I have just ordered 2 pairs of glasses from a company in San Francisco, then within a couple of days received an email saying they were on their way from Singapore they arrived in UK in 3 days. won't get mine til John comes back to Spain in 3 weeks :-( You'll have to get a small Merlion in Singapore for the tree

Gary and Debbie S. said...

What a lovely lunch there on your cabin, very nice. We always enjoy crew shows.