Sunday, August 26, 2018

All Good Things Must Come to an End!!

We decided not to go to Revelstroke and we stayed at Canyon RV Park. It was so cool and so smokey that we decided  not to go further.

Their hot pool is very nice . They have a cool pool as well. There were quite a few people there but fortunately not a lot of crazy kids. It was cool enough that I mainly stayed under water.

The office is interesting because there are tables that would lead you to believe there may be a restaurant there at some times of the year. They are supposed to have wi fi but it certainly was poor.
After the session in the hot pool I was feeling quite light headed so I got a bottle of water to drink while I tried to get my e-mail. I still did not feel well when Ken got there. Somehow I felt like I needed something salty. Ken got me a bag of chips. We could not believe that they charged 3.25 for a small bag of chips.? All of their prices are crazy. They are charging ten dollars to use one of their towels...crazy!!!

We roamed around the grounds. Ken was hoping to make a video of a train at the crossing. But he had no luck. They came before we arrived or after we left.

We also explored some of the tenting sites. They are magnificent. There are no facilities and they charge 35 dollars a night but the locations are almost majestic.

We got away in good time and the traffic was not too bad. In spots the smoke was as bad as we had seen. 

Later it began to rain, just a light rain. The top of the Rogers Pass was not too bad but at the top of the Coquihalla we were actually in the clouds.

We got to Abbotsford on Saturday evening. Fortunately it was a safe uneventful drive home.

My beautiful piece of metal art that we purchase at Invermere is now safely in position on our balcony. Love it!!!!

 Our two week adventure has come to an end, It seems longer when we look back on all of the things we did. Our next trip begins on October 15, we are off to Europe, and a 34 day adventure.
Follow Us!!

Finishing up!

August 23rd,

Farewell to Fairmont.

This was our last day at Sun Chasers. The mountains are gone again, the smoke is back. :-(

 We got up in reasonable time and has breakfast. Then we proceeded to get our remaining personal items and groceries out to the trailer. I cleaned everything and left a thank you note. No where did it mention a gratuity, so we had no guidance. But we left a small tip anyway.

Next we drove over to the registration building and turned in the keys and the questioner and evaluation sheet we had been given when we registered.

We hooked up and headed out. We really enjoyed our stay at Sun Chasers and we plan to return.

 The amount of smoke was the worst we had seem. The air was blue all of the way down to the level of the highway. I kept remembering how amazed I was the very first time I had seen the mountains. Today it was as if we were in another world, a flat world. It is so hard to believe that smoke could hide mountains.

We stopped at the Husky station in Golden and had lunch. As soon as we got parked we were approached by a man with a heavy accent who wanted us to buy his GOLD ring and his gold chain. You see he was out of money and wanted to get to Vancouver to visit his mother who was in the hospital having surgery for Kidney stones.   A new scam but we did not fall for his sad story.

We are at Canyon Hot Springs which is in Albert Canyon. We come here almost every year. The hot pool is very nice and the campground is top notch. The sites and long and flat and easy to get into and out of. Usually the view of the mountains is amazing. Today the world is in a blue gray haze and a red orange sun is trying to warm this valley. 

There is no WiFi or radio or TV here so it feels as though I am cut off from the world. It is a feeling I would have to get used to… It makes me a bit uneasy.

The good part is the fact we are close to a very bust set of train tracks and Ken is in his glory.

We may go to the railroad museum in Revelstoke tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

August 22nd

This is our last day here at Sun Chasers. We leave tomorrow.

We began to pack up things to get ready for the departure. This evening we went out for dinner at a place called From Scratch. The food was great and we are sorry that we did not find it sooner. They had PEI mussels and scallops and lobster and pulled pork and Taco. They had such a varied menu. They even had home made ginger ale.
There is an old fashioned stone oven where they cooked pizza. Besides the restaurant they also had preserves and home made candy for sale.

The parking lot was so full that we wondered if we would be able to get in.
The water and the beverages came in canning jars.

Our only regret is the fact that we will not be able to go there again tomorrow, We discovered it too late.

After our wonderful meal we went back to the ice cream shop and got a single black cherry ice cream.

Tomorrow we will be at Canyon Hot Springs. We will be there for 2 nights.
Unless they have had a major upgrade to their WiFi I will not be able to blog again until we get back to Abbotsford either Saturday or Sunday.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Tuesday August 21st

This was a very different day.
We had a big breakfast and just relaxed this morning. I turned on the TV and stumbled upon the Cohen, Manafort, Trump circus. That took care of the early afternoon.
Today they had a welcome get together scheduled for four o'clock. We decided to check it out. This was a sunny beautiful day and a welcome party seemed the perfect thing to do.

When we arrived at the rec center and the games room we were surprised to find only one couple there. They were playing a game of shuffleboard. We waited about ten minutes and no one had arrived. I went to the front desk. I was informed that the person who usually leads this event had called in sick. My afternoon of cold beverages and snacks and prizes was not to be. About that time another family of 4 arrived. We had a little visit. They are from Calgary. The clerk at the desk gave each family a coupon to get 3 movie rentals for free.

We headed back to the villa, had supper and then went to Fairmont Hot Springs.
These hot springs are much larger and more developed than the ones at Radium. It was very nice and we were there from 7:30 till about 9:15.  It was a beautiful sunset and we did enjoy it. I tried to get pictures of it but the light was difficult. We were on the wrong side of the light.

We returned here and called it a night. Tomorrow is our last day here. We head for Canyon Hot Springs on Thursday morning.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Mountains!!! I see mountains

We slept a little later than usual this morning. The first thing we noticed was the fact that it was not quite as smoky. The mountains could be seen as hazy outlines.

As the day progressed the mountains became clearer and brighter and detailed.

Around one we headed out to the recreation center. By then the mountains were beautiful. You could not see the ones on either end of this area but right here where we are they are marvelous.

I went to a craft class and made a tea cup candle. It was very easy to make but it is quite attractive. Four people had signed up but I was the only one who came. Shannon and I had a good visit while I created my candle.

While the wax set Ken and I enjoyed the pool and the hot tubs at the rec center. There was a family at the pool when we arrived but they soon left and we had the pool all to ourselves. We used the hot tub and then went outside to enjoy the outside one. We enjoyed the loungers for awhile. Again we had the area all to ourselves. Families arrived just as we were leaving.

Don't you think that blue sky with fluffy white clouds is a sight for sore eyes???

About 2 hours later we headed for the ice cream shop. Both of us could taste the black cherry hard ice cream. But to our disappointment the shop was closed.

We went to The Blue Cow gift shop and Ken got the book on hot springs that he had admired the other day. That purchase allowed us to use the coupon we had been given when we checked in. It gave us a free slice of fudge. Ken choose triple chocolate. Are you surprised?

We came back to our villa and enjoyed the rest of our day.

Aren't those beautiful? Mountains, I see mountains!!

Sunday, August 19, 2018


This is the day that we chose to go back to Canal flats and get the rig. We had breakfast and then around ten we called Kelly to tell him of our plans.
We headed out and were surprised at how cool it was. The smoke was so heavy that the heat of the sun could not get through,
I was amazed at how thick the smoke is. In these pictures, there are cars headed for us and there was a car in front of us. Can you see them???

We arrived at "the Base Camp" in Canal Flats to find that the place was jumping and Kate and Kelly were very busy, too busy to visit. Lots of customers and live music.

We had a coffee and then we left and headed to the camp ground and hooked up the trailer. When we arrived back at Sun Chasers we  parked it and unhooked. Note that the mountains cannot be seen.

We decided to check out the farmers market at Fairmount. It ran from 10 till 2 so we still had time. Much to our surprise many of the same vendors we saw yesterday were there. 
The lady who does the metal sculptures was there. She had pieces similar to what we bought. I got a picture of her and the piece like our is in the second picture. I changed the purple parts for blue. You know how much I love blue.

Her web site is …
You might want to check it out.

After browsing the stalls and checking out the Purple Cow we decided to share an 8 inch Hawaiian Pizza. After lunch and a visit with a delightful little boy we headed back to Sun Chasers.
We spent the rest of the day relaxing, playing on our computers and hiding from the smoke.