Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Reunion

The 50 year Reunion of our Graduation from
The Nova Scotia Teachers College!!!

We had a wonderful time!
We arrived in Truro around noon on Friday. After setting up the trailer and having lunch we went into town to check out our old haunts.
 We looked for and found our boarding houses and checked out the rest of town.

Next we checked out the Little White Schoolhouse. We donated Queade’s blazer and it was really well received. The curator had not seen one before and it was put on display right away.

 Soon it was time to go back to the trailer to get dressed for the evening.
 There were thirty from our class in attendance but most were friends that we had associated with 50 years ago.
On Friday night all around the room you could hear squeals of excitement as people identified each other. Some people you knew right away because they had changed very little and others made you shake your head in amazement that they could have changed so much. It was great, looking at pictures, filling each other in on what had happened since we had met last. For some it was 10 years and for others it was the entire 50 years. The class of “63 were the last ones to leave the reception area on Friday night.
Saturday morning we had breakfast on campus . Again several of the class were there and lots more visiting took place.
Then came time for the annual business meeting. Boring but necessary!
The next event was the class photos.

Because I had substitute taught in a one room schoolhouse I was in 2 photos.

 It was amazing to see that there were three ladies from the class of 43. They had to be almost 90 years old but they looked great.

 I wonder if Ken and I will be there for the 70 year reunion?? Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
Anyway after the photos we visited again and soon it was time for lunch, which was also available on campus.
Then Ken and I met Barry and Heather at the Irving station. Barry and Ken grew up together in Digby so lots of laughing and remembering again.

Next we went back to the trailer to dress for the evening events.
We had a wonderful turkey dinner at the Glengarry.
The class of 63 received a certificate for having the largest attendance.

 Ken and I were awarded a certificate because we travelled the farthest. We were shocked to learn that there were 3 others from British Columbia. All shared the award.
We also received our lifetime membership because we have been teachers for 50 years.
Jim Cleveland came in wearing his jacket from 50 years ago. It fit and it was in excellent condition. Everyone wanted to take a picture.
 Bill Kemp tried to put it on and it would not even come close. Lots of laughter to be sure!

Next came the music, the band was a three piece group and they played music from the 60’s. They were very good and we did a lot of dancing. At one point I closed my eyes and I was back at the Agricultural College and it was 1962. We were 18 and 20 again.

During we evening we thought of the classmates who had passed away. There were about 14 names that we could think of and we are sure there are more. Fondly remembered and sadly missed.
It was a wonderful evening. We danced, we laughed and we remembered times gone by; but all too soon it was time to go. Sadness swept over me. The realization that we may never see some of these friends ever again set in and tears were very close.
But someone suggested we should try to get together again in 5 years and somehow that made me feel better.
We left the dance and headed back to the trailer. A feeling of peace and contentment swept over us. 
We are so glad we came!

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