Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Sunday August 25th
I have a theory! I think oxygen is a tranquilizer.
Why do I think that? Well it seems to me that every time I am in a rural area with lots of trees and water and therefore lots of oxygen I am calm and contented. I wonder if research has been done on the number of people living in the country taking tranquilizers;  compared to the number of people in the city taking them. This thought occured to me this afternoon.
We had a grand day. We drove from Hilltop Campground to Patten Pond Campground in Ellsworth Maine. It is a very nice park and then we got unhooked and settled, had lunch and headed for Bar Harbor.
I had never been to Bar Harbor and I did not know what a tourist place it was. There were 2 cruise ships in the harbor and the streets were full of tourists. It reminded me of the Alaskan communities and how crowded they are when cruise ships are in. But the vehicles on the street were from all over North America. We checked on our lighthouse cruise for tomorrow and then we got out of town.
This area of Maine is so very beautiful; almost every side road leads to another port. These small harbors today were dotted with ships of all sizes. The smallest skiff and the most expensive yacht sat side by side, bobbing in the gentle breeze, enjoying this wonderful day that Mother Nature has provided.
We stopped at one beach and we got out of the truck. The little harbor has many vessels and there are people playing in the water and the sand. We strolled along searching for treasures. Our treasure is sea glass. Ken and I stroll in the soft air enjoying the gentle breeze and breathing deeply so can capture all of the sea air possible. Between the both of us we probable found 50 pieces, most were very small but treasures none the less.
After the stop at the beach Ken explored more of the country roads. The houses are beautiful and so varied. There is nothing ticky tacky about these communities. Some homes are huge classic structures from more than a hundred years ago, with gingerbread and turrets and widow walks. Others are new and modern with lots of glass. There is everything in between.
There are many Inns and B&B’s and small eating places, antique shops and so much more. I can’t wait to explore even more of this area tomorrow.
This evening we are both feeling rested and contented.

 I wonder if it is the oxygen.

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