Thursday, August 29, 2013


We are in Massachusetts in a place called Cape Ann.
We have been exploring the area and tomorrow we go on a cruise to see 6 more
Today was cool and foggy so we drove around checking out some of the little villages in the area. They all have British names like Manchester, Essex , Rockport and Gloucester. The area is very old and the planning was done in the age of horse and carriage. The streets are very narrow and twisty and the houses are very close to the edge of the roads. They had not imagined King Cab Dodge Diesel trucks trying to maneuver down them.
As with the rest of the New England area there are many beautiful classic old homes.
We were shocked to learn that most of thee beaches must be driven to and there is a $20.00 charge to park your vehicle so you can walk to the shore. Believe me Ken is not impressed
In downtown Gloucester they have a beautiful memorial to all of the seamen lost in the area. There is a statue and there are plaques listing the names of over five thousand seamen who were lost in the area and the year that they perished.

Pointedly there is also a statue of a young widow with 2 small children looking out to sea, waiting for her husband to return. The display is beautiful. We spent some time there walking the beach and looking for sea glass.

We went to the cinema to see The Butler this afternoon and now we are relaxing for the evening.
Will report on the cruise tomorrow.

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