Saturday, August 10, 2013

Digby, Ken's home town

We left Yarmouth in good time and were soon on our way to Digby.
We had planned to go down Digby Neck on Friday but because the forecast was for rain we changed our plans and decided to make that trip Thursday instead. We found Sonny and Dianne,( our hosts for the next 2 nights) and informed them of our change in plans. We said a hasty hello and goodbye and headed for the Long Island ferry. 

This part of the province consists of a peninsula and 2 small islands, Long Island and Brier Island. The ferry rides are less than 10 minutes long and the ferries go on the hour and the half hour.
Anyway we were right on time for the Petite Princess to Long Island and soon we were headed for the Joe Casey which would take us to Brier island.
 The plan was to beat the rain to the end and then head back up.
We planned to see the three lighthouses on Brier Island first and we were successful. The lights are Brier island of course, Peters Island and Grand Passage. 

We had a good lunch and did some shopping at The Lighthouse gift shop and cafe.
Then it was back on the ferry to see the only light on Long Island. It is called Boars Head Light.

For the most part we stayed ahead of the rain and we arrived back at Sonny and Dianne's around six.
They had a wonderful bar-b-que waiting for us. Ken and Sonny grew up together so there was a lot of visiting and "do you know what ever happened to----- ???" type of conversation.
Their grandson Mac was there and he kept us entertained as well.
The next day it rained most of the time but the day was filled with visiting and shopping and of course the mandatory tour of the old stomping grounds.
Dianne is a quilter and she has an amazing place to work. It is her own little building with everything a crafter would ever want, even a bathroom and a hide-a-bed.

Saturday morning dawned foggy with the sound of loons on the lake....perfection!

All too soon our 2 days had come to an end.

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