Saturday, August 24, 2013

Next Stop Fundy!

We left Nova Scotia and headed for Fundy National Park in New Brunswick.
This is a very special area and no matter how many times I go there I am spellbound by its wonder.ONE HUNDRED BILLION TONS of water rushes in and out of the bay twice a day, every day. This is more than the total amount of water flowing into the oceans of the world from all of the rivers combined.
To see a ship sitting high and dry on mud with water nowhere to be found continues to amaze me. I have seen the waters of the bay rush in and then back out many many times but Oh My, it is still hard to believe.

The main reason for the stop in Fundy was to visit Cape Enrage lighthouse. It is a nice one which stands high on a cliff. Unfortunately it is being turned into a bit of a tourist trap with rappelling and zip lining etc. But we did enjoy seeing it.

While travelling and seeing the area we discovered another cute lighthouse. It was in a very nice park and as part of their display they showed how the big sailing ships were built. The park was called Shipyard Park and the lighthouse was named Anderson Hollow Lighthouse.

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