Saturday, August 24, 2013

On the Road Again

We left Truro on Sunday morning. Several people told us to make certain to stop at the Masstown market so that is where we headed. They have a lighthouse there. Actually it is a cafĂ© and not a lighthouse but it is fun. 

We could not believe how crowded it was, parking was at a premium. We did find a place to park and we soon learned why it was and is so popular. It is like a giant super market and Farmers market all rolled into one.
I could not believe my eyes when I discovered that they had WILD Nova Scotia blueberries for sale. What memories they brought back!! They are so incredibly tasty, much nicer that the cultivated highbush berries.Of course I had to buy a quart.They would be part of breakfast for the next several days.

Next we headed for Nappan and the farm of friends; Diane and Victor Bacon.
 We spent the next three days there being treated like royalty and remembering happy times. We even learned a new card game.

On Wednesday morning we headed for Fundy National Park

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