Thursday, August 22, 2013

Nova Scotia Visiting Continues

Where do I start now?
We left Digby and headed back to Coldbrook.
We spent time with Inez, We went out to a Turkish restaurant with Inez and her friend Veronica. Great visit and lots of chatting about cruising. Veronica is a travel agent so the information flew.

On Sunday August 11 we visited in Port Williams, with old friends of Ken’s, Helen and Fred Archibald. Ken and Fred were room mates at Acadia. Again it was lots of fun and Helen and I really enjoyed watching the guys reconnect and remember fun times of long ago.

We had a wonderful visit in Center Burlington with Kay and Elmer Rand. They had been my neighbours in Loch Lomond so there was lots of news to catch up on. After a great visit and a wonderful lunch we were on our way armed with a bag of fresh homemade rolls. Ken would enjoy these with molasses.

The next evening we met Agnes and Joelle for a feed of Chinese food and an endless gab session.Agnes and I had been in the same boarding house at Teachers College in Truro. It is always so great to get together with them both. We may get to see them in Cape Canaveral this coming March.

We had so much fun with Inez. We dined out, we had pizza, she and I had pedicures and we did a lot of laughing and a whole lot of remembering.

 But time marched on and so we had to head for Halifax on Wednesday.

We had a spot booked at the Shubie Park in Dartmouth for August 15  and 16 so we left Coldbrook and headed into the city. We had a great spot but sadly no internet connection.

 We spent the 15th with our friends, Carl and Liz, and as is usual with them we had a grand visit. Carl gave Ken an autographed copy of his book on Nova Scotia orchids.

We spent most of the 16th relaxing and then my cousin Valerie picked us up around three. We went to her house and spent time enjoying her amazing view and catching up on old times. Soon valerie’s sister Barb and her husband John arrived and the visiting continued in earnest.
 It never ceases to amaze me that we cousins are able to pick up as if no time has passed at all. We almost continue mid sentence even though several years have passed since the last visit. We went to a very nice restaurant and enjoyed a wonderful meal. Then after eating we roamed our on the waterfront and were treated to a great musical performance. We returned to the condo and the visiting continued.. The sunset views were amazing.
But all too soon the evening had come to an end. Barb and John drove us back to the campground at Shubie Park

In the morning we headed to Truro and our reunion.

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