Saturday, November 10, 2018


Ponta Delgada, Azores
There was some doubt as to whether or not we would get into the port. The seas have been very rough.
I don’t know what I was expecting but I was not expecting to find a big city and a very busy port. The day began gray and we wondered what to take with us. We were pleased to learn that we were going to get into port.
The driver and guide from “Amazing Tours” was waiting for us and within minutes we were loaded into the Mercades Van and on our way.
Because it was gray and seemed to threaten rain our guide changed the order of what we would see.
Our first stop was on the north side of the island. It was stunningly beautiful

We drove and saw churches and mountains and lakes and volcanoes and we learned a great deal about the area.

Just as we arrived at the blue and green lakes the clouds lifted and we were able to see this amazing sight.

Did you know that they grow hydrangea to act as fences because cows do not eat them. Can you imagine how beautiful that would be in the spring?

They have miles and miles of stone walls separating properties. The stones are black volcanic rocks gather as the farmers cleared their fields. These are dry walls made without mortar.

They have a plant which  has become a noxious weed all over the island. If I remember correctly it was called ginger lily. It was brought to the Island to help prevent land slides and to help with soil erosion. Unfortunately it only made things worse and it thrived. But they are experimenting with using the fiber from that plant to make something which will replace plastic plates etc. It appears as if they may have come up with an answer to one of the great problems of this modern world. 

As a special treat our guide took us to see a wonderful light house. This was not part of the tour but when he heard of our passion he sought out the light just for us.

It was a wonderful tour and we were back at the ship just as it began to drizzle. Perfect timing.

1 comment:

dslrig said...

Your very own lighthouse-----the icing on the cake!!
Enjoy 6 more days of pampering before reality sets in again!