Thursday, December 10, 2015

Wednesday and it is Manzanillo

Wednesday and it is Manzanillo
We docked so smoothly this morning that when I opened my eyes we were already in and tied up. It was seven am and it was still dark. A bright red channel marker was shinning in the balcony doorway. The sun was not up yet so we could see the lights of the city. I dress quickly and went topside for my walk. It was dark enough that I could plainly see that there was a lighted cross on the top of one of the near by mountains. It was not as grand as Christ the Redeemer but it was a cross.
I did my 14 laps and enjoyed the coolness of the breeze. I can tell this is going to be a very hot day and the humidity is high, and I do mean high.

A military type vessel was checking out the ship. I don’t know if that was calming or nerve wracking…. But it was different to be sure.
I picked up coffees and fruit and returned to the cabin. Ken and I decided to do breakfast in the dining room this morning. Yesterday was the buffet and the day before was room service. We are doing it all. On this small ship they do not have an international café so we can’t do that. I had the papaya and Ken had the breakfast special of eggs and bacon and sausage and beans. The nice part was the warm soft toast. On a ship the toast is usually hard and cold but this morning was different. Again the size of the ship allows they to get you toast to you while it is still toast. Love it.
We were just ready to leave when Barb and Craig arrived so we stayed and visited with them while they ate. Barb told us we had a message from jenny on her facebook page. I will drop her a line today.
I decided to take a quick run ashore. We had a tour booked but it was cancelled. It was our lighthouse tour. I guess there were too few interested . Anyway I walked off and saw the sculptures. They have artist painted dog statues all along the wharf. Actually quite interesting.

 There were some crafters there. The prices were reasonable and the quality appeared to be very high.
There must be a naval base here because there was a navy vessel tied up. It looked like a war ship. Yikes!!
This harbor is very busy with tankers and cargo ships coming and going. The day was hot and it was overcast and very humid, that made the visibility less than optimal. But more than that it made the air heavy somehow and it was almost hard to breathe. Our light house tour was classified as strenuous and involved hiking up a hill so I am glad it was cancelled. Just the walk back along the pier left me panting. The haze shrouded the surrounding mountains most of the day.
They had safety drills on the ship today so we were entertained by watching tenders go up and down and around.
We decided to just have a piece of fruit for lunch, enough for me to take my pill.
We had an early departure today, all aboard was 3:30 and sail away was 4:00. This is as far south as we go, leaving Manzanillo we headed north.
Dinner was special in that they had Prime Rib on the menu. Ken enjoyed that. I had the orange roughy. For dessert I ordered mixed berries and they had fresh raspberries which I really enjoyed.
After dinner we headed to the lounge for Carlos Oscar. He was his usual excellent self. He is so good and his presentation is so unique. We sat next to Mary and Richard again.
After that we went to the café and got our special coffees, mocha for Ken and a skinny Latte for me. We took it to our rooms, added some brandy and sat out on the balcony to enjoy it.

Another wonderful day has come to an end, It is hard to believe that this cruise is half over.

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