Saturday, December 5, 2015

Second Full Sea Day

This was a very interesting morning.
I began the day by getting up early and doing 14 laps of the jogging track. The sign says that 13 laps is a nautical mile. It was beautiful and I was able to enjoy the sunrise while I walked. Gopher was there walking as well. I chatted with him for a few minutes.

Then it was down to the cabin to get Ken and go for breakfast. By this time I was hungry. We went to the dining room. We were seated at a table with 5 others. They were very well travelled and were discussing their world cruise experiences. It turned out that the most travelled passenger ever with Princess was seated next to me. Her name is Eileen and she has completed 215 cruises with Princess, and 252 altogether if you count other cruise lines. She used to travel with her husband but she was widowed about a year ago and now she travels alone. It was a most interesting breakfast to say the least.
There was a scheduled interview with the LOVE BOAT cast. I decided that I really did not want to be in the mob so I just poked my head in the door and left. I know the complete session will be on the DVD of the trip. I decided to check out the holiday sale and get a watch since I had forgotten to bring one. I bought a gaudy one with a black strap and rhinestones. Lots of fun for ten dollars.
Then I peaked in at the interviews again and they were still talking so I spent the next half hour watching the fruit and vegetable carving demonstration. At first there were only 6 of us there so I was able to get up close for sure. By the end there were lots of people there because the Q&A was over and they were posing for pictures.
The line was terribly long so I left again and came back to the cabin and got my coffee card. Next stop, the club bar for a skinny latte.
By the time I got my coffee the line was very short. I found someone to use my camera to take my picture and I got into line. I was the last passenger whose picture was taken with the cast. The person with my camera was still there thankfully and he had gotten a couple of good pictures. I hope to crop it so there is a picture of me with Isaac only.
Then I came back to the cabin. Much to my surprise my stocking was on the floor at the bottom of our door. I picked it up and I could tell there was something inside. Santa had come!!!! I had a mint candy and a Princess card holder. Ken did not get a visit from Santa. I guess I was better than he was.
We met Michael and Jan and Barb and Craig for lunch and they knew nothing about my secret Santa. The mystery deepens.

The afternoon consisted of a nap, a shower, hors d’oeuvres and wine and getting ready for the first formal night.
I wore my long red skirt with a black fooler sweater set and Ken wore his tux with red tie etc. Unfortunately we forgot to get a picture taken. The canapé were delivered to our room and we enjoyed a glass of wine before we left for dinner.
Dinner was the special 50th anniversary menu and it included a Norman Love chocolate dessert.
After dinner we went to the Cabaret lounge and enjoyed the singing and playing of Zach Winningham. He was voted Princess entertainer of the year in 2013 and we could understand why.
There was a lady in attendance and she was wearing a sash that said MS Illinois 1965. She even wore the tiara. She looked very good considering her age. I guess she had been a dance instructor on cruise ships. She and her partner certainly put on a show,  it was lovely to watch.
At the end of the show we returned to nour room and there on our bed was a gift, beautifully wrapped in gold paper and Princess Cruises ribbon. The parcel was very heavy and I opened it very carefully. In the parcel there were 2 beautiful golden coasters complete with the 50th anniversary logo. They are magnificent and we were both surprised and pleased.

 What a great way to end a special and busy day.

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