Friday, December 4, 2015

First Full Sea Day

After sleeping like a log ( I love the feel of the sea) I woke at 6:30 which has become my habit. I decided to go for a walk. I dressed quickly and went up to deck nine. It was a glorious morning, not too hot and not too cold. There were some other people with the same idea. Of course the real exercisers were running or jogging but I was walking.

Because it was so nice I came back after my half hour and convinced Ken to have breakfast on the deck upstairs. It was cooler that he would have liked but it was grand. While there Michael and Jan joined us. We had a great visit and made plans to meet at the M&G later. I went to hear Sammy tell about the events scheduled for the rest of the cruise. I met and chatted with a man named Richard. We had a very nice visit. Then I returned to the cabin to get Ken so we could go up to deck ten where the Cruise Critic Meet and Greet was to take place. We sat with Michael and Jan and had a great visit. They wanted to know who had the most cruises and there was a lady there who said they had taken 133 cruises. We are at number 33, so she has taken one hundred more that we have. I find that hard to believe. She didn’t look that old either
The turn out was very impressive. One of the officers said they had never seen a CC group this large. There was a good representation from the officers and even the captain came.
I was so surprised to see that Barb was there handing out buttons to everyone. They are wonderful souvenirs of this cruise. She was not charging for them because she had used the anniversary logo. It is copywrited and that means no selling.

Barb is amazing. We met her on previous cruises. She is a person who sews and she has one of those amazing sewing machines. She used her talent to make Christmas stocking for Ken and I and Michael and Jan and her and Craig. The stockings are embroidered with our names and the Princess 50th Anniversary Logo. We all had them on our doors. I removed ours and put it inside. I would be heart broken if someone stole it. These stockings are something we will treasure always.

After the Meet and Greet we went to the photo department to buy the group picture that was taken at the sail away party. I also ordered a copy of the DVD. It is going to be a very special one. I also bought the special anniversary charm for my bracelet. It was fourteen dollars which wasn’t too bad I guess. Of course we got the magnet of the Pacific Princess. I believe this is Princess ship number 14 for us.

Then I picked up a sandwich and special coffees for Ken and I. ( Thanks for the coffee card  Kim, you are a sweetie) We had our lunch on our balcony, which is something we really enjoy doing.

Our room steward does our room late in the day which is unusual for us. We have always been done while we were at breakfast. We need more hangers and do not have them yet. Also we got a note from princess telling us that laundry will probably take 7s hours instead of the usual 24. Apparently almost 75% of the passengers are elite. Michael and Jan were told that there is a 10 page list of Mini bar changes waiting to be done. We do have wine glasses and a vase thanks to ROMANO.
To quote Jeannie ‘Life is good”.

I got a new saying from Sammie the cruise director today….Cover the earth before it covers you. Love it!!
The wine tasting was very good. We got to sample 5 different wines; 2 red, 2 white and champagne. The good thing was that on the whole the people were respectful and they did not talk while the presenter was talking. On the last cruise it was terrible, you could hear nothing.
After the wine tasting I had a nap and Ken went topside to look for whales.
Then I got busy and did my hair, getting ready for the evening dinner and show.
Ken and I were there first so we changed our seats. When the others arrived they sat in different spots and so we were able to visit with different people. Ursula was telling me that John has dementia and so life can be difficult. I felt so sorry for them. She has hard times ahead of her.
Dinner was good as usual. I passed on dessert again tonight. I think tomorrow will be different because it is formal night and I expect a Norman Love chocolate creation to be featured.
Tonights show with the Princess singers and dancers was Stardust. They did a great job and it amazes me that they can do all of the dance moves on such a small stage.
We set the clocks ahead tonight, so we called it a night early.

Tomorrow is another sea day!! Love it.

1 comment:

Cruising Around the World With Vickie said...

I love Sammi Baker, and when we too heard that comment "cover the earth before the earth covers you" we use it now too.\

Barb/Craig are so lovely and what a nice gift.