Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Monday, December 14, 2015
We are in Cabo San Lucas today. We have an excursion that is do to go at 8:15 . For that reason we ordered room service for breakfast. We woke early enough to get a good view of the sun rise. We ordered berries and they delivered a nice selection of strawberries and blue berries. YUM!!

Then we gathered our stuff and went to the lounge where we were to get ready for our tender ride. There were only 8 of us on that tour. There were only a couple of dozen people on the tender. This is so different from what is normal on the bigger ships.

The crossing was smooth and took only about 5 minutes. There were dogs sniffing our bags when we arrived. They were looking for drugs.
Then we waited for our guide to lead us to our bus. WE walked less than 5 minutes and boarded a van. We were headed for Casa Dorada at Medano Beach. This high end resort is our destination. We will be here from 9 till one. During that time we have access to a hostess suite, the ocean with a lounger and umbrella, a wonderful sandy beach, a pool and a Jacuzzi. We will be served a 4 course meal and given a beverage of our choice.
This is definitely a 6 star place. A room in the off season is $500.00 and during Christmas a room is $1000.00.
I took lots of pictures. We played in the water for awhile. The usual vendors were there but there was a rope all around the beach and the vendors were prohibited from crossing the rope. So if you didn’t want to be bothered you stayed on your side of the rope and if you did want to look at hats or blankets of jewelry etc you went to the other side of the rope.
The water was cool at first but once you got in it was warm enough.
Next we went up to the fresh water pool for awhile. Soon it was time to go to the hospitality suite to change. The rule in the dining room is no wet clothes or bathing suits.
The suite was wonderful, I don’t think it was $500.00 a night wonderful though.
Lunch was very tasty and the service was fantastic.

After lunch I was able to get a few pictures before it was time for the ride back to the tender pier. We got on right away. There were 19 people on the tender. The ride was quick and smooth.
Back On board I decided to go to the gym and do my walk since we had not walked much in Cabo. After the walk I was able to get some pictures of the decorators. They had arrived to do the decorating of the ship for Christmas.
Soon it was nap time. Then it was time to get ready for dinner. I wore my Christmas necklace and Ken wore his Santa hat in honor of the occasion.
When we arrived at the dining room we discovered that all of the wait staff was wearing Santa hats. The atmosphere was very festive. Before dessert they had a conga line featuring the wait staff and a lot of the passengers. Lots of fun to be sure.

The evening show featured Jill Whelen. She starred as Vickie Stubbing in Love Boat. We were very pleasantly surprised. She has a very powerful voice and she did an amazing job.

We returned to the cabin to take our meds since had forgotten them and that was the end of our day in Cabo San Lucas!

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