Thursday, December 3, 2015

Lovely Day

We both had a great night of sleep and the day began bright and sunny.
Ken was at work and Wendy made us a great breakfast. After eating we decided to head out to a shopping mall.  On the way Wendy drove us down a street called Strawberry Lane. On that little dead end road there were PEACOCKS. I guess they are wild. Once they were part of the estate of a Mr. Van Der Lip. When he lost his fortune the peacocks went wild and bred successfully. Now there are hundreds of them. They are very beautiful and they they are very tame. We drove right up next to them and they simply came to investigate much like our ducks. They have done a cull recently. Wendy said they are noisy and they defecate on the cars and they have been known to scratch the paint on your cars. There are mixed opinions from the locals as to whether or now they should be allowed in the neighbourhood.
Anyway they were a delight to see and we enjoyed having them come up to the car doors to see if we had treats for them.

Then we drove to the mall and I was impressed by all of the decorations. I can't say I was impressed with the prices. In Nordstroms they had men's neck ties for $205.00 US. Needless to say We did not buy one or two.
They had a poinsettia tree which impressed me.

 I heard about the one they used to have at Trinity. I hope they do that again one day.
Then we came back here and we had lunch and a rest. Ken was at work and Wendy had to go to an office Christmas Party so I had a wonderful nap and Ken got a start on his tan.

When Wendy came home from her party and Ken came home from work we headed out to  Avenue Italy for dinner. It was lovely and after dinner we shopped at Trader Joe's and got wine and flowers for tomorrow. I love to browse around that store. There is always something different to buy. It is a place where you go in for one thing and come away with a cart filled with goodies.
This little mall was all decked out for the season and it looked so very festive.

Then it was back to the house for tea and cookies.
The visit continued with lots of laughs and memory sharing.
We called it a night relatively early. Wendy has to see a patient at eight in the morning.

Tomorrow we sail. YEAH!!!

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