Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Flopping Waves!!

We had a very nice leisurely breakfast and then we headed for the Princess Theatre around 9:20. We were to be there at 9:45.
We were given our identifying sticker and shown to a seat to wait . They were a little late but after a relatively smooth tender ride we were on our way to a bus which would take us to Kaanapali Beach. It was less than 20 minutes away in spite of fairly heavy traffic. When I stepped from the air conditioned bus I was shocked by the intensity of the heat. My first thought was that this was a mistake, a big mistake. We played follow the leader and headed around the complex to the beach. We had paid 69 dollars each for this excursion and we were told it included a beach chair and a complimentary drink and a discount on our dinner. The bus would head back to the ship at three o’clock. We would be in this intense heat for more than 4 hours.!!
We were then told that upgrading from our Tommy Bahama chair to a lounger would be an extra 6 dollars, getting an umbrella would be another 21 dollars, and getting one of those shade cabanas would be an additional 46 dollars. I was not impressed and I was not going to spend that much more. Well I was beginning to feel terrible at the end of the 5 minute walk to the beach. We were given our chairs at the end of this walk and the inviting beach lay in front of us.
My first impulse was to remove my shoes. That was a big mistake. The sand was so hot that it actually felt like my feet were being burned. I did manage to get the sandals back on and we found a spot near the water. I told Ken right away that I would be heading back the way we came to look for shade very shortly.
Well we put our things on our chairs and headed for the water. The beach was full but there was ample room. As soon as we reach what I could see had been wet sand I was able to remove my shoes and the breeze from the water hit me and I felt a bit better. We had swim suits under our clothes so we quickly removed our outer items and headed for the water. Ken had brought umbrellas in his pack and I had brought a wide brimmed hat. So you have to picture me in a swim suit wearing a hat and carrying an umbrella. (You are supposed to call it a parasol when it is not raining).

This shoreline is very steep. The sand is soft and wonderful and it drops off quickly. These conditions make it very different from the beaches I am accustomed to. The waves don’t exactly break on the shore. It is more like they flop and roll over. The result is a smashing affect and an unbelievable undertow as the water rushes back. Children with boards were having a grand time. They would walk out a few yards, watch for a wave, turn with their backs to a wave, jump on the boards and ride the wave into and up on the beach. The ride would be about 20 yards or more.

For almost an hour I watched the children play. I made sure not to go in very deep, but it was deep enough that the waves would splash me and I was being kept cool. Ken was out deeper bobbing up and down in the waves. I took pictures and he took pictures. The area was beautiful with swaying palm trees and all things tropical.
I was standing next to Ken when before I knew what hit me I was down trying to get back up. The wave rushed around me and as the water retreated the sand was washed out from under my feet and I was down with my hat missing and my umbrella was broken into pieces and the top of it came flying toward me. Ken was trying to keep me up and a man came over to rescue my hat and offer to help. Then I felt the pain in my ankle as it twisted under my off balanced weight.
I managed to get out of the water and up on the shore. The ankle was a bit swollen but not too bad at all. Thankfully I was able to put weight on it and managed to get to a place with some shade. Ken brought me my chair and I rested. Ken got us our complimentary drink. It was a very good Mai Tai.
Another couple decided to go back to the ship early and they were going to call a cab. We went with them. We got back to the dock just as a tender was getting ready to leave and they had room for us.
Our shore excursion came to an end..
I rested and we ordered room service for lunch. We each had a club house sandwich and a piece of chocolate cake. I had one of my diet cokes from our mini bar. Then I lay down with my foot up on a pillow. I was able to go to dinner with no problem. After dinner we came back to our room and called an end to the day.

My ankle seems fine today.

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