Friday, April 3, 2015


April 2nd
This is Thursday and it is our second sea day on our way back to Vancouver.
The navigator tells us that during the day the Grand Princess will maintain a north-easterly course across the Pacific Ocean. The map on the television shows us making a bee line from Hawaii to Vancouver with never a bend in the path.
We woke around eight and decided that we would have breakfast in the dining room. We were sat at a table for ten which is something we don’t like. There are too many people and it is too hard to visit. But we did end up sitting next to a very nice couple from Mill Lake. The other three couples were from Vancouver Island. I have heard that over 2000 of the 2600 passengers are from Canada and I’ll bet 1900 of them are from British Columbia.

After breakfast we headed for the Princess theatre to listen to George McGuire and his talk on Puzzles and Paradoxes. He would have been something to have as a son or as a student. At 4 he wanted to know how long was now. He has since concluded that now doesn’t exist , it is always past or future. He certainly knows how to make a person’s head spin.
After that I checked on the Hawaiian Market place and found that everything was so highly price that nothing was worthwhile.
Then I made a quick stop at the Fruit carving demonstration and took some pictures.

Ken and I had never tried the pizza at Alfredo’s so we decided that today was the day. The atmosphere is very nice. Ken took one of his beer from the mini bar and enjoyed it in his mug. I had a coffee. We had the vegetarian pizza. It was the thin crust type and it was good but it couldn’t hold a candle to the ones from Ocean Park.

Back in the room I stumbled upon one of the Mission Impossible movies with Tom Cruise, so between that and doing the blog the afternoon disappeared. Ken was busy getting more sun. He has developed quite a good tan. I have a little but not anything compared to his.
We got dressed for dinner . This was Italian night and they had Lemonchello.
They no longer have the cordial glasses so the cost was three dollars instead of six. Four of us bought it and much to our pleasure and surprise we got a late refill. We took our glasses to the theatre with us when we went to the theatre to see the comedian Scott Harris. He was hilarious and since he hails from Canada we related to many of his jokes. Perhaps all of the lemonchello helps to make him funnier.
 We sat with Erik and Rosalie. They enjoyed it as well. They are really enjoying their cruise which was so nice to hear.
They headed to Explorers for Pub Night but since Ken and I have seen it a couple of times we did not go with them.
Our original plan was to go to the International café and have a special coffee and brandy. But the lemon drinks made us change our minds. We had had enough alcohol.
We both were thirsty so we took our coffee mugs and our water bottle topside to Horizon Court. We filled the containers and had a glass of ice tea. Ken had a piece of wonderful chocolate cake and I had some fruit.

That is how we finished our day.

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