Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Home Again

Yesterday went very smoothly.
We had an early alarm and we watched the sunrise over Vancouver harbour.

We had breakfast in the dining room. The service was VERY slow, in fact I am still waiting for my toast.
But it didn't matter at all because our meeting time was not until 9:50.
We went to the Vista after finishing breakfast and waited for pink 5 to be called. They were about 10 minutes early. We speeded through customs. We were asked nothing. We could have had 10 bottles of alcohol with us. Anyway.. we had called Kerri and she was able to find a parking spots about 2 blocks from the place where we came up out of Canada Place so we did not have to pull our suitcases very far.
We had a short visit with the family. Stewart was working but because it was Easter Monday Noah was home and the little ones were not in day care.
Noah played the guitar for us. He certainly is progressing with that skill.
 Leo and Emmie are so full of energy and they are impossibly cute ( grandmas are allowed). Watching them makes both of us understand why people don't become parents in their seventies. We are just too old to be able to keep up with them.
When we left I took some pictures of the cherry blossoms. Vancouver is breathtaking right now!!

Even though we did very little we were beat last evening and we called it a day quite early. But not before we got our hockey fix and watched the Canucks play a game against LA.
Today we have finished our unpacking.
The next cruise is scheduled for December but with us you never know.
We can't resist a good sale.

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