Saturday, April 4, 2015

Almost Over

Saturday, April 04, 2015
Sadly this is almost the end of our cruise. This morning we are at Vancouver time, no more time zones to change.
We set the alarm call for 7:30 and asked for breakfast at eight. Well someone messed up and we were still in bed when the knock came on the door at 7:25. Fortunately a robe was handy.
The reason for the early call was the fact that George was having his talk on Longitude at nine instead of the usual ten. He was enlightening, amusing and entertaining all at once.
After the talk we walked a little and then came back to our room. I did a bit of packing. I think tomorrow will be very busy so I wanted to get a head start.
I checked the e-mail. Our Easter card has gone out and we received many thank you notes. We received our time for disembarkation. We are to be in the Vista at 9:50. I e-mailed Kerri and told her what approximate time to expect us. We will phone when we are closer.
My flowers still look pretty good. The carnations are almost as fresh as new. It will be hard to throw them out tomorrow. But you cannot take such things ashore.

We decided to skip lunch and we just had a piece of fruit. Then around 2:30 we left to go and have a special coffee and listen to the pop choir.
On the way out we noticed that most of my Easter magnets are gone. There are 2 missing baskets, several eggs and some flowers are also missing. I hope it was one of the little children who took them and not a simpleton adult.
The pop choir was good. They performed the same numbers as before. Again, they could have used more male voices. Ken will have to go in the choir on one of these cruises.
 There was a make- up seminar and I went to watch. That is something I will never learn to do. It is too fussy and it takes too long to perform all of the steps.
I picked up 2 of the Ultimate Mai Tai since it was happy hour and you get 2 for the price of one. I brought them to the room for Ken and I to enjoy. I then began to write the thank you notes to go with the extra tips. I have to check on the spelling of Sadtheesh’s name. I think that is correct. I will let you know later. He is from India.9I found it ...Satheesh)
This is formal night. I plan to wear my navy outfit. That skirt and jacket is now 12 years old and it still looks great and I still like me in it.
Ken wore black and white with his Tux. Dinner tonight was lobster again and I enjoyed escargot for my appetizer. There was another Norman Love Chocolate journey. So the meal was terrific. I brought Easter Eggs to give to everyone.

After dinner we went straight to the theatre for the production show, British Invasion. We enjoyed it as usual. Then we went to the International Café for a coffee. We had gotten our order when Erik and Rosalie arrived. They shared a table with us and we visited for almost an hour. Then we called it a night. Tomorrow will be a busy day again.
Our last day, we have to pack and get ready to disembark on Monday morning.

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